Nathaniel "The Bishop" Crisp (1762-1819) - an 18th-century character in the city of Nottingham, England.
"The Bishop" was convicted at the Spring Assizes of the following year for his riotous conduct during the ducking season, fined a nominal sum, and imprisoned for six months.
Known as Bishop Crisp, he was a butcher by trade, who carried out his business at the corner of Lister-gate and Broad-marsh in the City of Nottingham.
Nathaniel Hawthorne | Nathaniel Lyon | Quentin Crisp | Nathaniel P. Banks | Nathaniel Bowditch | Nathaniel Philbrick | Nathaniel Dance | Nathaniel Westlake | Nathaniel Rosen | Nathaniel Wallich | Nathaniel Parker Willis | Nathaniel Lardner | Nathaniel Kahn | Quentin S. Crisp | Nathaniel Peabody Rogers | Nathaniel L. Carpenter | Nathaniel Kern | Nathaniel Heckford | Nathaniel Greene | Nathaniel Bacon | Dorothy Crisp | Thomas Crisp | Nathaniel W. Watkins | Nathaniel Wheeler | Nathaniel T. Oaks | Nathaniel Thayer | Nathaniel Stookey | Nathaniel P. Hill | Nathaniel Philip Rothschild | Nathaniel Morton |