CGAS San Francisco also supports a wide range of other Coast Guard operations such as Maritime Law enforcement, port security, Aids to Navigation support and Marine Environmental Protection to approximately 300 miles of coastline from Point Conception to Fort Bragg 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Live Aid | Farm Aid | Rite Aid | Christian Aid | humanitarian aid | Welfare (financial aid) | development aid | Women's Aid Federation of England | Voluntary Aid Detachment | Navigational aid | Legal Aid Society | Kool-Aid Man | Humanitarian aid | Federal Student Aid | aid | Women's Aid | The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test | Sport Aid | Norwegian Church Aid | National Legal Aid & Defender Association | Mutual Aid | Matthew Aid | Kool-Aid Man (video game) | Kool-Aid | federal student aid | Development aid | Children's Aid Society | Book Aid International | Battalion Aid Station | welfare (financial aid) |
Three-letter identifiers are assigned as radio call signs to aeronautical navigation aids; to airports with a manned air traffic control facility or navigational aid within airport boundary; to airports that receive scheduled route air carrier or military airlift service, and to airports designated by the United States Customs Service as Airports of Entry.