
unusual facts about Nesting, Shetland

1988 British International Helicopters Sikorsky S-61N crash

The helicopter left the Safe Felicia semi-submersible oil rig in the Forties oilfield at 13:45 with 2 pilots and a full load of 19 passengers for the one hour flight to Sumburgh Airport on the Mainland of Shetland.

1998 in birding and ornithology

An Eastern Bonelli's Warbler in Shetland in August is the third to be accepted as definitely this species.

4 Deserts

In 2010, the race was held on King George Island, the largest of the South Shetland islands and home to many national scientific bases; Deception Island, which is the caldera of a live volcano, and a former whaling station; and Dorian Bay on the Antarctic mainland.

African Hobby

For nesting they use the old stick nests of other birds, especially Black Kite, which are situated high in a tree.


The moss tundra below the cliffs receives nutrients from the seabird colonies and is lush in places, providing grazing grounds for Reindeer, nesting places for geese and denning sites for Arctic Foxes.

BBC Scotland

The station has specific programming opt outs for Orkney and Shetland in addition to regional news opt outs for four additional sub regions - North East, Highlands & Islands, South West and Borders.

British NVC community MC10

This community is found in coastal areas on the west coast of Britain from Devon and Cornwall north to Shetland, with outlying examples in southeast Scotland and Northumberland.


Burel Hill, ice-free hill at Desolation Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica


Burrafirth links (Old Norse: Borgarfjorðr, meaning "the fjord with a castle") is a strip of land with a few houses on the island of Unst, Shetland, Scotland.

Calling Lake Provincial Park

The marshy shores of the lake provides nesting grounds for waterfowl and habitat for American White Pelicans and Great Blue Herons.

Cascumpec Bay

Of particular interest are its use for migration staging by large numbers of migrating Canada Geese, and as nesting habitat for Great Blue Heron and Osprey.

Galwegian Gaelic

Many of the leading settlers would have been of both Norse and Gaelic heritage, and it was the Gaelicisation of these Norse leaders which distinguished them from other Norse lords of northern Britain such as those in Shetland, Orkney and Caithness.

Hazel dormouse

Honeysuckle bark is their primary nesting material, and flowers and fruit are used for food.

History of Orkney

When the islands were given as security for the princess's dowry, there seems reason to believe that it was intended to redeem the pledge, because it was then stipulated that the Norse system of government and the law of Saint Olaf should continue to be observed in Orkney and Shetland.


When predators such as the Great Black Hawk attack a Hoatzin nesting colony, the adults fly noisily about, trying to divert the predator's attention, while the chicks move away from the nest and hide among the thickets.

Jackie and Daw

Jackie and Daw was a video/radio documentary documentary by Vincent Hyland that followed a pair of nesting Jackdaws, named Jackie (male) and Daw (female), over a period of two years.

Jiquilisco Bay

The discovery of hawksbill nesting in Bahia Jiquilisco and in Estero Padre Ramos (Nicaragua) changed the conservation outlook for this imperiled population and has provided renewed hope for recovery.

Königsstuhl National Park Centre

On an outdoor area of 28,000 square metres there are other attractions for children and adults, such as a climbing forest, a ground-nesting bird's nest with giant eggs and an exhibition about the painting Chalk Cliffs on Rügen (Kreidefelsen auf Rügen) by the artist Caspar David Friedrich.

Laysan Albatross

Feral cats are known to prey on nesting birds and chicks on some of the more newly colonized islands.

Liometopum apiculatum

These ants are usually found nesting in dead logs, under stones, or in decaying stalks of Yucca spp.


Macaranga species often form symbioses with ant (Formicidae) species (particularly Crematogaster ants of the subgenus Decacrema) because they have hollow stems that can serve as nesting space and occasionally provide nectar.

Magnus VI of Norway

In 1266 he gave up the Hebrides and the Isle of Man to Scotland, in return for a large sum of silver and a yearly payment, under the Treaty of Perth, by which the Scots at the same time recognised Norwegian rule over Shetland and the Orkney Islands.

Mercury Islands

The smaller islands in the group have been identified as an Important Bird Area by BirdLife International because they provide nesting sites for up to 3000 breeding pairs of Pycroft's Petrels.

MV Hjaltland

On 23 August 2013, MV Hjaltland was diverted from its normal route to assist with search and rescue efforts following the crash of a Super Puma helicopter two miles off the Shetland coast close to Sumburgh.

Nancy Drew: Danger on Deception Island

Deception Island is the name of a real island, found among the South Shetland Islands.

Napier Peak

The feature is named after Captain William Napier, Master of the schooner Venus, from New York, who visited the South Shetland Islands in 1820-21.


Dating from at least the 1500s and continuing until 1860, these boats were exported in kit form principally to the Shetland and Orkney islands.

Outer Brewster Island

It provides a nesting habitat for coastal water birds, including Cormorants, Gulls, Common Eider Ducks, Glossy Ibis and American Oystercatchers.

Richard Herschell, 2nd Baron Herschell

The wedding took place at the Nicolson property of Brough Lodge on Fetlar, Shetland.

Saint Helena Airport

Prosperous Bay Plain is one of the few remaining sites on Saint Helena that holds significant ecological diversity; according to a 2004 review by Atkins Management Consultants, the survival of numerous endemic species critically depend on preservation and protection of the location; it also is an important nesting site for the Wirebird, Saint Helena's national bird which is nearly extinct.

Samson Dyer

African Penguins had previously made nesting holes in the guano, but following removal of the guano, they took to nesting on open ground, making their nests easily accessible to predators such as the Kelp Gull.

Shetland Folk Society

The Shetland Folk Society has been responsible for many key initiatives and publications, including regular volumes of The Shetland Folk Book (see below), Da Sangs At A'll Sing ta dee: a book of Shetland songs (Robertson & Robertson, 1973), Da Mirrie Dancers: A Book of Shetland Fiddle Tunes (Tom Anderson & Tom Georgeson, 1970}, the 1985 reprint of Jakob Jakobsen's dictionary and Bertie Deyell's collection of Shetland Proverbs and Sayings (1993).

Shetland literature

In the British era, which properly began for Shetland with the Napoleonic Wars, Shetlanders have developed a literature in variant written forms of the spoken Shetlandic tongue, as well as in English - the first widely published writers were two daughters of the Lerwick gentry, Dorothea Primrose Campbell and Margaret Chalmers writing for the most part in a rather formal English.

South Exmoor SSSI

Trees on the moorland edges provide nesting sites for Redpoll (Acanthis flammea), buzzard (Buteo buteo) and Raven (Corvus corax).

South Plaza Island

On the steep banks it is possible to see a great number of birds such as nesting Red-billed Tropicbirds and Swallow-tailed Gulls, but most of all, enjoying the beautiful view from atop the steep banks or strolling along the base of the cliff is an extremely pleasurable experience.

Stanley Bowie

Stanley Hay Umphray Bowie FRS (born 24 March 1917, in Bixter, Shetland - died 2008) was a Scottish geologist.

Tavish Scott

After the resignation of his friend and former ministerial colleague Nicol Stephen, Scott declared his candidacy for the leadership of the Scottish Liberal Democrats on 7 July 2008 at Lerwick harbour, surrounded by a group of men dressed as Vikings which is a tradition in Shetland called Up Helly Aa where Shetlanders celebrate their Viking heritage.


Telefon Rocks, group of rocks in King George Island, the South Shetland Islands

Tour de Turtles

After departing from some of the most important nesting sites in the Western Hemisphere, typically Vero Beach, Florida and Melbourne Beach, Florida, sea turtles will be monitored using Platform Terminal Transmitter (PTT) that send signals via satellite to record their locations and the distances traveled.

Trenton Channel Power Plant

DTE Energy spreads crushed limestone along the banks of the Detroit River on Slocum's Island, because such an item provides a popular nesting habitat for native common terns.

Two Medicine Formation

It is a colonial nesting site on the Willow Creek Anticline in the Two Medicine Formation that is famous for its fossil eggs of Maiasaura, which demonstrated for the first time that at least some dinosaurs cared for their young.


Painted Storks, Spot-billed Pelicans and other birds migrate from various countries such as Siberia, Australia and use the center for nesting.


Opposite the village is the Vardim Island Natural Reserve which is popular with birdwatchers as the island is a nesting site for the great cormorant, the Black-crowned Night Heron, the Common Spoonbill as well as 21 nationally protected bird species.

Vieux Fort Quarter

A notable tourist attraction is the Maria Islands Nature Reserve, managed by the Saint Lucia National Trust, which is a nesting ground for leatherback turtles and is home to a species of iguana indigenous to St. Lucia.

Western Gulf coastal grasslands

Rancho Nuevo beach in Tamaulipas is the only nesting site in the world for the Kemp's Ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys kempii) while other herpetofauna of the ecoregion include Río Grande Chirping Frog (Eleutherodactylus cystignathoides) and Mexican White-lipped Frog (Leptodactylus fragilis).

Wilsons Promontory Islands Important Bird Area

The islands have been identified as an Important Bird Area (IBA) by BirdLife International because they support over 1% of the world populations of Short-tailed Shearwaters (with over 1.4 million nesting burrows), Pacific Gulls (with about 450 breeding pairs) and, possibly, of Black-faced Cormorants.

You're Summer

The most intriguing line of this song is "Oh your breasts are like swallows in nesting", written by the well-known poet Lars Forssell, member of the Swedish Academy.

Yukidori Valley

Birds nesting at the site include several thousand Snow Petrels as well as a few South Polar Skuas.

see also