In 1905, he joined the Reichswehr and was stationed until 1907 in the Unteroffiziers school in Neubreisach, subsequently from 1907 to 1909 he was at the corporal school in Jülich.
From 2005 Zeus he also worked with "Jazz & Rock Schulen Freiburg", where he created and realised the 3 year project "EuroPop", which was a musician's networking, events (EuroPop Festival in Neuf-Brisach) and education program founded by the European Union.
Neuf-Brisach | Pont Neuf | Neuf | Chateau Neuf |
Dupontel was inspired by 10e chambre, instants d'audience, a documentary by Raymond Depardon in which appears judge Michèle Bernard-Requin who also plays a judge in Neuf mois ferme.
Allemagne année 90 neuf zéro (Germany in the Year 90 Nine Zero) is a French film directed by Jean-Luc Godard and starring Eddie Constantine in his signature role as detective Lemmy Caution.
In 1807, Napoleon decided to rebuild the Château Neuf, which became the official residence of the King of Rome in 1812.
From 1931 on, Moulin Neuf took over the functions of the former works at Ermont and was enlarged onto another 10 hectares, with a gantry and a workshop for machining rails.
Since the railway had significant needs for treated wood, notably for making sleepers, a sawmill, a joinery and a carpentry shop were set up at Moulin Neuf, as well as facilities for impregnating and creosoting wood and chairing sleepers.
La Samaritaine featured in the 1991 film Les Amants du Pont-Neuf and part of the 2012 film Holy Motors is set in an around the shell of the building; both directed by Leos Carax.
Lebourgneuf got its name as a portmanteau from the last letters of Charlesbourg and the first letters Neufchatel because Charlesbourg-Ouest was located between Charlesbourg and Neufchâtel.
The collaboration was formed in 2004 by the name Chateau Neuf Friensemble, with a history from the 1960s University Big Band and the musical environment surrounding the Department of Musicology at University of Oslo.
Her sister's two husbands - Jacques Thilorier and Jean-Jacques Duval d'Eprémesnil -both belonged to the Loge des Neuf Sœurs, and it is very possible that Mme de Bonneuil was herself initiated into one of the Loges d'adoption féminine, before turning her back on the new ideas and the principals of philosophy which - after the Reign of Terror - she sincerely thought had led to the "reign of the Jacobins".
Edmond Biernat: footballer and accordionist, born 1939 in Monceau-le-Neuf
Bernard de Neufmarché, Norman lord active in the conquest of Wales 1088-1095.
For Paris, by order of Marie de Medici he finished Giambologna's equestrian Henry IV (inaugurated August 23, 1613), which stood at the center of the Pont-Neuf but was destroyed in 1792 during the Revolution, then replaced with the present sculpture at the Restauration.
She has toured with Ole Bolås and Sigrun Eng (cello), among others, and has at times conducted 'Chateau Neuf Storband. She played with Frøy Aagre's Offbeat at Dølajazz (2007).