
5 unusual facts about Night Tide

Academy Film Archive

Notable preservation projects include Joseph L. Mankiewicz’s All About Eve (1950); many Stan Brakhage films from the original elements; and with support from the Film Foundation, Curtis Harrington's Night Tide (1961), and 18 films by Satyajit Ray.

Night Tide

From time to time a mysterious and seemingly sinister woman (Marjorie Cameron) appears and frightens Mora.

The role of Mora the Mermaid (played by Linda Lawson in the film) was originally to be played by Susan Harrison, who had been the lead in Sweet Smell of Success (1957).

Mora believes she is a descendant of the Sirens, mythic sea creatures who lure sailors to their deaths.

Harrington had previously worked with Marjorie Cameron - his 1955 black and white short documentary The Wormnwood Star is about her and her artwork.

see also