
2 unusual facts about Norbert of Xanten


Later medieval legends increased the number of Gereon's companions to 290 or 319, and Saint Norbert of Xanten is said to have discovered, through a vision, the spot at Cologne where the relics of Saint Ursula and her companions, of Saint Gereon, and of other martyrs lay hidden.

Miklós Baranyai

He studied in the Norbert of Xanten Grammar School of the Premonstratensian Order until 1948 when the school was nationalized and the monastic order was disbanded.

Floreffe Abbey

When Norbert of Xanten, founder of the Premonstratensian Order, was returning from Cologne in the year after its foundation with relics for his new church at Prémontré, Godfrey, Count of Namur, and his wife Ermensendis received him in their castle at Namur.

see also