
4 unusual facts about Nur Hassan Hussein

Mohamed Omar Habeb Dhere

Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein dismissed Habeb from his post as Mayor on July 30, 2008, accusing him of incompetence, embezzlement, insubordination, and abuse of power.

Salim Aliyow Ibrow

Ibrow was replaced as Prime Minister by Nur Hassan Hussein on November 22, 2007, and was appointed Minister of Justice and Religious Affairs.

Somali presidential election, 2009

Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein announced on 15 January 2009 that he would like to become president.

The election was necessitated following the resignation of President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed on 29 December 2008, over the dismissal of the government of Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein which was not approved by the Transitional Federal Parliament.

see also