In 1876, she had her final opportunity for a first ascent, but, instead, stayed in the Oberland in order to give more money to her nephew, to support his efforts in the range.
Ober is the German for "upper", used mainly in compounds (where it takes a general meaning of "high", as in Oberland = "highlands", Oberkommando = "high command").
Here he collected on the Grimsel and the Oberland, and worked particularly at Red Snow and other freshwater algae, until weakness of the eyes compelled him to abandon the microscope.
The operation of the line has been rented out since 1998 for 15 years to the Bayerische Oberlandbahn (BOB), that previously had the state concession for the operation of railway services in the Bavarian Oberland.
Oberland | Bernese Oberland | Zürcher Oberland | Freikorps Oberland |
He has composed a number of songs praising individual sites in the Bernese Oberland, including Frutigen, Mülenen, Aeschi and Reichenbach, as well as songs about Berne and Murten.
The Brünig Pass, a pass in Switzerland between the Bernese Oberland and Central Switzerland
The Ecole d'Humanité is a progressive international boarding school located in Hasliberg Goldern, Switzerland, in the Berner Oberland.
The tradition of Scheibenschlagen is particularly widespread in and around the area of the Upper Rhine Plain (in the Black Forest, Breisgau, Basel-Landschaft, Alsace,) as well as in Vorarlberg, parts of West- and South Tyrol, in Bündner Oberland Breil/Brigels and in Churer Rheintal Untervaz.
Thus "the great unknown" from the Oberland is the ideal character, "who illustrates how God does his work for the world and for the Church through a divinely trained and spiritually illuminated layman," just as William Langland in England about the same time drew the figure of Piers Plowman.
Vogtländisches Oberland is a former municipality in the district of Greiz, in Thuringia, Germany.
The parish of Waltensburg included Andiast until 1526, when Waltensburg was the only municipality in the Bündner Oberland that converted to the Reformed faith.
Wooling is a German student magazine, which is published at Oberland-Gymnasium Seifhennersdorf high school in the state of Saxony in Germany.