
unusual facts about Observer-expectancy effect

Observer-expectancy effect

Pygmalion effect – teachers who expect higher achievement from some children actually get it

A Leap for Lisa

Suddenly he disappears from the future and is replaced by Edward St. John V, a more formal project observer, played by Roddy McDowall.

Ali Akbar Mohtashamipur

and to have been instrumental in the killing of Lt. Col. William R. Higgins, the American Chief of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization's (UNTSO) observer group in Lebanon who was taken hostage on 17 February 1988 by Lebanese pro-Iranian Shia radicals.

Allissa Richardson

Richardson began her journalism career in 2002 as a general assignment intern for the Observer-Dispatch in Utica, New York, after winning a Freedom Forum scholarship.

Andrei Sen-Senkov

Recent publications include Slash (Moscow, 2008; in collaboration with Alexei Tsvetkov Jr.) published at Dmitry Kuzmin's ARGO RISK Press, and A God Suffering from Astrophilia (New Literary Observer Press: Moscow, 2008); a collection of his work in English translation is forthcoming.

Andrew Cockburn

Apart from his books he has written for National Geographic, Los Angeles Times, The London Review of Books, Smithsonian, Vanity Fair, Harper's Magazine, CounterPunch, Condé Nast Traveler, New York Times, and the Dungarvan Observer.

António de Spínola

In 1941 he travelled to the German-Russian Front, as an observer, to monitor Wehrmacht movements during the encirclement of Leningrad (the Portuguese volunteers had been incorporated into the Blue Division).

Arctic policy of European Union

If the accession of Iceland to the European Union occurs, the EU will increase its Arctic influence and possibly gain permanent observer status in the Arctic Council.

Charlotte Eagar

Whilst working for a variety of British newspapers and magazines, including The Sunday Times Magazine, The Observer, the Sunday Telegraph, the Spectator, The Mail on Sunday and Tatler, she has written stories from such diverse places as Sarajevo, Moscow, Baghdad, Kabul and Rome.

Chubby Oates

Born in Bermondsey South London Oates started out as a reporter for the South London Observer, he shared an office with future editor of The Sun, Kelvin MacKenzie.

Clement G. Boothroyd

On 1 August 1920, Observer Officer Clement Graham Boothroyd was Mentioned in Dispatches by General C. C. Monro for exemplary service in Waziristan.

Cloaking device

A prototype Metascreen is a claimed invisibility cloak, which is just few micrometers thick and to a limited extent can hide 3D objects from microwaves in their natural environment, in their natural positions, in all directions, and from all of the observer's positions.

Curtin Winsor, Jr.

He has also served as an observer to the Russian presidential election of 2000 and several Latin American elections.

Florence Sarah Lees

She used to visit the sick with her mother and in 1866 she became an observer in Florence Nightingale's school at St Thomas' Hospital in London.

Foreign relations of Costa Rica

Costa Rica was among the first to call for a postponement of the May 22 elections in Peru when international observer missions found electoral machinery not prepared for the vote count.

Francis J. Ricciardone, Jr.

He has served in two multinational military deployments: as chief of the Civilian Observer Unit of the Multinational Force and Observers in Egypt's Sinai Desert, and as political advisor to the U.S. and Turkish commanding generals of Operation Provide Comfort, based in Turkey and operating in Iraq.

Gaetano Scirea

In summer 1989 Scirea visited Poland as an observer to watch Górnik Zabrze, against which Juventus was to play in the UEFA Cup.

Hans-Joachim Hoppe

In September 1997 in the final phase of the rule of Yugoslav president Slobodan Milošević Hoppe has been OSCE-election observer during the parliamentary elections in Serbia.

Hansa-Brandenburg W.19

Production aircraft were armed with one or two synchronised 7.92 mm (.312 in) LMG 08/15 machine guns firing forward and a single 7.92 mm (.312) LMG 08/15 machine gun for the observer.

Haraden Pratt

During World War II, Pratt served as Division Chief in the Office of Scientific Research and Development and was Chairman of the Radio Technical Planning Board 1945-1949, and in 1946 was an official observer of the Bikini atomic bomb tests.

Henry Martyn Lazelle

After serving as an inspector for the Division of the Pacific and the Department of the Columbia, Lazelle represented the U. S. Army as an observer during the maneuvers of the British Army in India from November 1885 to March 1886.

Hilda Neihardt

Hilda Neihardt (1916–2004) was one of her father John G. Neihardt's "comrades in adventure," and at the age of 15 accompanied him as "official observer" to meetings with Black Elk, the Lakota holy man whose life stories were the basis for her father's book, Black Elk Speaks and for her own later works.

Horst Posdorf

Posdorf is one of six Members of the European Parliament participating in the European Union's observer mission in Togo for the October 2007 Togolese parliamentary election.

Hunter Walker

Before joining the Observer, Walker was employed by The Daily where he helped launched the gossip section with former Page Six editor Richard Johnson.

Information technology in India

India holds observer status at CERN, while a joint India-EU Software Education and Development Center will be located in Bangalore.

Isaura Navarro

Navarro became involved in controversy following an official trip to Peru when she was alleged to have asked for an official car for her partner who was an international observer for the upcoming electoral process, as well as allowing him to participate in official dinners without the knowledge of the Spanish foreign ministry.

James Farragher

One skeptical observer, Murray Sperber, author of Shake Down the Thunder, speculates: "...when N.D. publicists began compiling the history of Notre Dame football, no one could ascertain who had coached in 1902 and 1903. Because Farragher had played on the team at the turn of the century and was a popular police officer on the Notre Dame campus in the 1930s, the publicists inscribed his name on one of the most prestigious lists in American sports–head football coach at Notre Dame".

John Oliver Andrews

He qualified as a pilot on 15 October 1915, earning Royal Aero Club certificate number 1924 at Le Crotoy, France; on the 21st, he was officially appointed a Flying Officer (Observer).

Julius Buckler

He trained in FEA 6 (Flieger-Ersatz-Abteilung 6), and by the summer of 1915 was flying artillery direction missions over Verdun as an Observer in FA(A) 209 before training as a pilot.

Kashmir Observer

Sajjad Haider is the publisher and editor-in-chief of the Kashmir Observer.

Lauderdale Mansions South

More recent former residents of Lauderdale Mansions South have included Kathryn Flett, Observer TV critic and star of the BBC’s ‘Grumpy Old Women’ series, and Mary McCartney, celebrity photographer and daughter of Paul and Linda McCartney.

Matt Charman

His second and third plays, The Five Wives of Maurice Pinder and The Observer both premiered at the London's Royal National Theatre, where he has also served as Writer in Residence - he also collaborated with Moira Buffini, Penelope Skinner and Jack Thorne on Greenland (2011) at that venue.

MV Brigitte Bardot

On 5 January 2013 in Timaru, New Zealand, a distress call was issued in relation to the Brigitte Bardot after an observer mistook the vessel for an overturned yacht.

Nigerian Observer

On 22 July 1993 the administration of General Ibrahim Babangida banned the Nigerian Observer, as well as the National Concord, The Punch and the Daily Sketch.

Paul Chaplin

During his tenure on MST3K, Chaplin portrayed several characters in addition to his writing duties, most notably an Observer, Pitch the Demon (originally portrayed in the movie Santa Claus), Ned the Nanite, and Ortega (originally portrayed in the movie The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies).

Permanent Observer of Holy See to the United Nations in Geneva

The Permanent Observer of Holy See to the United Nations in Geneva is the representative of the Pope and the Catholic Church to the European office of the United Nations — in Geneva, Switzerland.

Playing dead

Apparent death, an antipredator behavior observed in a wide range of animals in which they take on the appearance of being dead to an observer

Ponteland Observer

From 5 July 1984 it became a broadsheet newspaper 'incorporated with the Morpeth Herald - meaning that the Observer was effectively an edition of the Herald, with the front page and some interior pages changed.

Robert L. J. Long

He was a member of an American election observer team sent to the Philippines in 1986 and headed by Senator Richard Lugar to observe the Presidential election contest involving Ferdinand Marcos and Corazon Aquino.

Ronald G. Richard

He was transferred to the Republic of Vietnam and was assigned to Battery I, 3rd Battalion, 12th Marines as a forward observer for 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines.

Royal Aircraft Factory R.E.5

Captain John Aidan Liddell was awarded the Victoria Cross for an action on 31 July 1915, being badly wounded when flying an R.E.5 but successfully recovering the aircraft and saving his observer.

Shen Jingdong

His painting The Bugle realized in 2012 illustrates perfectly his work, allowing each observer to have a new look on the contemporary art, but also a reflection and interpretation intellectual, sensitive and emotional.

Southeast Chicago Observer

Southeast Chicago Observer is delivered throughout the Bush, South Chicago, East Side and Hegewisch, with most copies distributed on the East Side.

Spherical astronomy

Polaris lies close to due north to an observer in the northern hemisphere.

Sy Bartlett

There he came into daily contact with the inner workings of Air Force commanders in England, including Brig. Gen. Frank A. Armstrong, and was a close observer of the development of the Eighth into a powerful combat force.

The Jewish Observer

Contributors to the Jewish Observer included Rabbi Avi Shafran, Rabbi Mendel Weinbach, Rabbi Dr Aaron Twerski, Yonoson Rosenblum, Dr Bernard Fryshman, Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein and Rabbi Yitzchok Lowenbraun.

Todd Bolender

Describing him in Jerome Robbins’ The Concert, she writes: “he was a henpecked husband who constantly escaped into daydreams of sexual conquest. Clad in a vest and long underwear and chewing on a huge cigar, he was the prototype of ... J. Walter Mitty.” Longtime New York City Ballet observer Robert Garis said of him in Agon, “his easy wit and charm in the first pas de trois seem unrecapturable” (ibid.)

Transit time

Sun transit time, the time at which the sun passes over the observer's meridian line.

William Maurice Brown

William Maurice Brown, Lt. Colonel, Squadron Leader, recipient of Britain's Order of British Empire, observer (Extra Ordinary) of the United Nations, New Zealand government minister, mountain climber, shooter, boxer, teacher, administrator, the founder of Faujdarhat Cadet College had left his disciples for eternal peace but his legend will continue to live.


(See the article on the trial and the reports on the trial at Camp Zeist by United Nations observer Dr. Hans Köchler: Hans Köchler's Lockerbie trial observer mission.)

see also