
unusual facts about Oenothera

Bradley Moore Davis

Besides special articles on the morphology and cytology of algæ, fungi, and liverworts, and studies in the Œnothera, he was coauthor with J. Y. Bergen of Principles of Botany (1906) and Laboratory and Field Manual of Botany (1907).

Cataract bog

Other plants found in cataract bogs are limeseep grass-of-Parnassus (Parnassia grandifolia), Indian paint brush (Castilleja coccinea), stiff cowbane (Oxypolis rigidior), Appalachian bluet (Houstonia serpyllifolia) and northern sundrops (Oenothera tetragona).

Hyles annei

The larval hosts are unknown, but they will probably feed on a wide range of plants including Epilobium, Mirabilis, Oenothera, Vitis, Lycopersicon, Portulaca, Fuchsia, Gaura lindheimerii, Alternanthera pungens and Euphorbia dentata or related plants found in a dry climate.

see also