
unusual facts about Old City of Jerusalem

Nolin Map

The Land of Israel appears at the center of the map, the Mediterranean Sea at its top left side, the Dead Sea at its right, and a small map of the old city of Jerusalem at its bottom right - with illustrations of the old city's streets and the Temple Mount.

Shaul Shats

Shats's primary subjects are the landscapes of the Jerusalem environs - the Temple Mount, the vistas from the Armon HaNetziv Promenade (see Talpiot) in the Old City, and the views past the village of Siloah.

see also

Church of the Condemnation and Imposition of the Cross

The Church of the Condemnation and Imposition of the Cross is a Roman Catholic church located within the Franciscan compound that also contains the Church of the Flagellation in the old city of Jerusalem.

Historical Jewish population comparisons

1,100,000 is comparable to the population of the largest cities that existed anywhere in the world before the 19th century, but geographically the Old City of Jerusalem is just a few per cent of the size of such cities as ancient Rome, Constantinople, Edo period Tokyo and Han Dynasty Xi'an.

Mark Braverman

He has written that his grandfather was “a fifth-generation Palestinian Jew” who “was born in the Old City of Jerusalem” and was “a direct descendant of the Lubavicher Rebbe.”

Yeshivat Aderet Eliyahu

Yeshivat Aderet Eliyahu (ישיבת אדרת אליהו), commonly referred to as "Zilberman's," is a Haredi, Lithuanian educational facility located between the Jewish and Muslim quarters of the Old City of Jerusalem.