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Old growth groves such as this will show the birth (shoots and burls) and death (rotting trees and "fairy rings") of ancient redwoods, many of whose birth was before the Battle of Hastings in 1066.
The reserve is home to old-growth stands of juniper, oak, cedar and elm trees, rare woodland flowers and plants such as Heller's marbleseed and gravelbar brickellbush, endangered golden-cheeked warblers and black-capped vireos, and the threatened Guadalupe bass.
Berwick has been home since the 1860s to a summer religious retreat operated by the United Church of Canada known as Berwick Camp, located in a picturesque grove of old-growth pines and hemlock trees at the south end of the town.
Common vegetation in Boulder River Wilderness includes old-growth Douglas fir, true fir, western hemlock, and western red cedar, as well as bigleaf maple, alder, willow, and devil's club.
In 2008, logging recommenced in the Brown Mountain forest, despite Labor Party policy statements during the 2006 Victorian election campaign that they would protect Victoria's last remaining stands of old growth forest available for logging.
Some parts of Brown Mountain are already protected within the Errinundra National Park, other sections of forest designated as old growth by the Department of Sustainability and Environment between Legges Road and the Errinundra Road are under the control of VicForests, with logging being allowed.
Silva Carbonaria, the charcoal forest, the dense old-growth forest of beech and oak that formed a natural boundary during the Late Iron Age through Roman times into the Early Middle Ages across what is now Belgium
Old-growth forests of Douglas-fir, Western Hemlock and Western Red Cedar, reachable by hiking trails, are nourished by many streams and eight small lakes, including Summit Lake.
Construction on this bridge was underway by March 1936; it was rapidly assembled using old-growth Douglas fir from British Columbia (BC) as the main structural members.
In addition to founding the ECC and Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Edge led the national grassroots campaigns to create Olympic National Park (1938) and Kings Canyon National Park (1940), and successfully lobbied Congress to purchase about 8,000 acres of old-growth sugar pines on the perimeter of Yosemite National Park that were to be logged.
This tropical tree squirrel is the most abundant mammal on heavily-cultivated Sangir, where it is found throughout the various ecosystems of the island (including towns and farms), but is especially concentrated in the dwindling old-growth lowland tropical rainforest.
The old-growth forests house hole nesters such as Eurasian Pygmy Owls, Ural Owls, Three-toed Woodpeckers, Red-breasted Flycatchers and the Siberian Flying Squirrel.