
unusual facts about Opinion


Opinión is a newspaper published in Cochabamba, Bolivia.

Alternative Views

Produced in Austin, Texas in 1978, it produced 563 hour-long programs featuring news, interviews and opinion pieces from a progressive political perspective.


In 2141, however, the discovery of Saula changed the public opinion in favor of EHI and shortly afterwards it became one of the most influential and prestigious organizations on the planet.

Australia's First Families of Wine

Some industry commentators lay the blame for this negative opinion on the giant, publicly listed multinational corporations, such as Constellation Wines and Foster's, which have dominated the industry for years and concentrated on the cheap commodity end of the market rather than building the reputation of Australia's finer, regionally distinctive wines.

Blue Chip Stamps

In 1975, a lawsuit filed by Blue Chip Stamps was decided by the Supreme Court in the opinion Blue Chip Stamps v. Manor Drug Stores.

Casco Bay

Walter Cronkite stated that, in his opinion, the bay offered some of the best sailing in the world.


Since the villains in the film happened to be Croatian Communists, many saw the airing of the film as an attempt to turn voters away from the ex-Communist Social Democratic Party of Croatia, which had a commanding lead at opinion polls, and illegal propaganda in favor of the ruling party, the Croatian Democratic Union.

Chicago Club

G. William Domhoff, professor of sociology at the University of California, ran a network analysis study on the membership of think tanks, policy-planning groups, social clubs, trade associations, and opinion-shaping groups across the country for a research project he was doing on San Francisco's Bohemian Club.

Child pornography

David Westerfield of California was convicted in 2002 of possessing child pornography, despite contrary opinion by some members of law enforcement: an Assistant U.S. Attorney concluded that the photographs shown to her did not meet the 9th Circuit Court of Appeal standard for lascivious conduct; and Detective Chris Armstrong declared that Westerfield’s images were not child porn.


Note that these definitions disregard some alleged dictators, e.g. Benito Mussolini, who are not interested in the actual achieving of social goals, as much as in propaganda and controlling public opinion.

Emperor Xiaowu of Northern Wei

Although he married Gao's oldest daughter as his empress around the new year 533, he, after initially appearing to show deference to Gao, began to rule with Husi Chun and his associate Wang Sizheng (王思政) as his assistants, making decisions contrary to Gao's opinion, particularly after Gao had defeated the final major member of the Erzhu clan, Erzhu Zhao.

Frank Parr

Reinfeld and Chernev, in their Fireside Book of Chess, eulogize—"In the opinion of the writers, Parr's masterpiece has well-founded claims to being considered the finest attacking game of all time."

George Bull

His last work on the trinitarian question, entitled Primitiva et Apostolica Traditio, was directed against the opinion of Daniel Zwicker, that Christ's divinity, preexistence, and incarnation were inventions of early heretics.

George Chahoon

When the Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals met in the Virginia State Capitol on 27 April 1870 to render its opinion, the overcrowded gallery collapsed.

Gerald Joseph Weber

A man of broad knowledge, incisive thinking, stern demeanor, and subtle wit, Weber is known to many law students in their judicial procedure course for his cleverly crafted 1971 opinion in Mayo v. Satan and His Staff.

Hoffman Plastic Compounds, Inc. v. NLRB

Chief Justice William Rehnquist delivered the opinion of the Court, joined by Justices Sandra O'Connor, Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, and Clarence Thomas.

Honda Prelude

"It is," wrote Brock Yates for Motor Trend, "by any sane measurement, a splendid automobile. The machine, like all Hondas, embodies fabrication that is, in my opinion, surpassed only by the narrowest of margins by Mercedes-Benz. It is a relatively powerful little automobile by anybody's standards."Motor Trend measuring an early Prelude completing the quarter-mile in 18.8 seconds at 70 mph.

International status and usage of the euro

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan gave his opinion in September 2007 that the euro could indeed replace the US dollar as the world's primary reserve currency.

Isaac Mendez

On December 11, 2007, the New York Law Journal reported on Mallery v. NBC Universal, quoting from Southern District Judge Denise Cote's opinion that "the line between mere 'ideas' and protected 'expression' is 'famously difficult to fix precisely'", and stating that Heroes was not close to infringing.

Iwakura Tomomi

He was trained by the kampaku Takatsukasa Masamichi and wrote the opinion for the imperial Court reformation.

Jedermann sein eigner Fussball

In spite of its absurdist amusements, this singular issue was a work of impassioned radical opinion, published only a few weeks after the communist revolt in Berlin had been quashed by Gustav Noske's Free Corps, and Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg murdered.

John M. Woolsey

This decision, which came about in a test case engineered by Bennett Cerf of Random House, was affirmed by a 2-1 vote of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in an opinion by Judge Augustus N. Hand.

John S. Marmaduke

Undeterred, Marmaduke campaigned four years later for Governor of Missouri at a time when public opinion had changed, and railroad reform and regulation became more in vogue.

King–Crane Commission

The King-Crane commission was "the first-ever survey of Arab public opinion" and the fact its results went largely unheeded was bemoaned by pollster James Zogby.

KZ Manager

In one version, public opinion rises when the "manager" executes a number of prisoners with Zyklon B.

Lafayette McLaws

Just before his death, however, his opinion changed about the lost cause movement, and he began speaking out about Longstreet's failures at Gettysburg.

Lechmere, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Board

The opinion of the Court was delivered by Justice Thomas, who was joined by Chief Justice Rehnquist and Justices O'Connor, Scalia, Kennedy, and Souter.

Marie Dominique Bouix

Monsignor Fornari, the papal nuncio at Paris, desiring to further the restoration of provincial councils, held a conference with Bouix and the Bollandist Van Hecke, at which it was decided that the best means of influencing public opinion aright would be the preparation of a book explaining the law of the Church on provincial councils.

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary

That it is a religious allegory of Catholicism, with bells representing the sanctus bells, the cockleshells the badges of the pilgrims to the shrine of Saint James in Spain (Santiago de Compostela) and pretty maids are nuns, but even within this strand of thought there are differences of opinion as to whether it is lament for the reinstatement of Catholicism or for its persecution.

Mohammad Ashraf Siddiqui

In January 2007, Federal Court judge Michael L. Phelan ruled that it was patently unreasonable for the IRB to have suggested that the MQM was a terrorist organisation in Siddiqui's case, when they had offered the opposite opinion in the earlier case.


He used it to represent the opinion of Trotskyists who rejected the leadership of James Cannon and who left the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) to found the Workers Party in 1940.

Noblesse oblige

Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts uses the phrase disparagingly in his majority opinion concerning the government's assertion that it will selectively prosecute animal cruelty videos based on their own interpretation of The First Amendment in United States v. Stevens.

Orville C. Pratt

He wrote the lone dissenting opinion in the controversy over the Oregon Territory’s capital between Oregon City and Salem.

Patrick G. Eddington

Eddington's opinion pieces have appeared in a number of publications, including the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Washington Times, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, and the Army Times, among others.

Patrick Joseph McGrath

On February 19, 2004, Bishop McGrath published an opinion piece in the San Jose Mercury News prior to the opening of producer and director Mel Gibson's movie The Passion of the Christ.

Philip Culbertson

In 2004 Culbertson was interviewed by Sunday, a current affairs show broadcast in New Zealand, regarding his opinion of the controversial Destiny Church led by Bishop Brian Tamaki in which among other things he stated, "As far as I can tell it's a cult".

Regarding the Pain of Others

Using photography to back up her points, Sontag sets out to answer one of the three questions posed in Virginia Woolf's book Three Guineas, "How in your opinion are we to prevent war?"

Same-sex marriage in New Jersey

The state's motion did not list any particular injury that the state would suffer if it enacts same-sex marriage, only citing an in-chambers opinion of Chief Justice Roberts when the U.S. Supreme Court was deciding Maryland v. King, 133 S.Ct.

Secessionism in Western Australia

Western Australia was grouped with Scotland, Wales, the Basque Country, and Catalonia as "places seeking maximum fiscal and policy autonomy from their national capitals" in an October 2013 opinion piece in The New York Times.

Selective Draft Law Cases

The Solicitor General's argument, and the court's opinion, were based primarily on Kneedler v. Lane, which was actually multiple opinions of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania during the American Civil War that upheld the Enrollment Act, and Vattel's The Law of Nations (1758).

Steven Oberman

Justice Cornelia A. Clark wrote the opinion for the Supreme Court, which sided unanimously with Oberman's defense.

Taney County, Missouri

The county was officially organized on January 4, 1837, and named in honor of Roger Brooke Taney, the fifth Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, most remembered for later delivering the majority opinion in Dred Scott v. Sandford.

The New Ledger

The New Ledger is an American web publication which pairs aggregated and ranked news stories with right of center opinion articles by free-market minded moderates, libertarians and conservatives.

The University Register

A typical issue of The UR is between fourteen and eighteen pages long, and consists of seven sections: News, Tech, Editorial, Sports, Arts & Entertainment, Variety, and a bi-weekly Feature.


At first, it appeared that they might be treated leniently, but in the end, public displays of bereavement by the families of the deceased and aggressive prosecution by a politician named Callixenus swung the opinion of the assembly; the six generals were tried as a group and executed.

Toshio Tamogami

On 14 July 2004, when questioned further about this supposed 'unconstitutionality' of the Air Self-Defense Force, he said his opinion should not distress its members since (quoting the catch phrase of Yoshio Kojima, a popular comedian) "what does that matter?"

Vladimir Žerjavić

So far, the institutions that have not accepted (or haven't expressed their opinion on the matter) Žerjavić's and Kočović's results of investigation include the Yad Vashem memorial and the Simon Wiesenthal center.

Whitaker and Baxter

The following quote, which appeared in the L.A. Times reflecting Sinclair's opinion on marriage, was taken from a fictional character's dialogue in Sinclair's book Love's Pilgrimage.


In the opinion of the French expert on legend and myth Claude Lecouteux, this clearly belongs into the range of the vampire-belief.

Yves de Creil

While the French writers, including Prentout, accepted that Yves de Criel was the father of Yves de Bellême, Geoffrey H. White was of the opinion that, while probable, it should not be stated as fact.

see also