
2 unusual facts about Tradition


Hunting, Fishing, Nature, Tradition (French: Chasse, Pêche, Nature, Traditions, abbreviated as CPNT), an agrarianist French political party.

Tradition-ICAP Liverpool International

The Tradition-ICAP Liverpool International is a mixed exhibition tennis tournament at Calderstones Park, Liverpool, England, held during the second week of the grass court season since 2002.

11th Parliament of Great Britain

By tradition, a parliament passes only one public "act" per session, albeit an act with multiple chapters.

2007 Pittsburgh vs. West Virginia football game

In addition to the crowds a sofa chair was burned in front of the university's Cathedral of Learning, mocking the WVU couch burning tradition.

Abraham de Sola

He was intimately associated with Isaac Leeser, Samuel Myer Isaacs, Bernhard Illowy, J. J. Lyons, and other upholders of Jewish tradition, and on the death of Isaac Leeser was invited to become successor to his pulpit; but this and many similar offers he declined.

Adam McLean

In 1978 he founded the Hermetic Journal which he published until 1992 during which time he also started publishing the Magnum Opus Hermetic Sourceworks, a series of thirty nine editions (to 2011) of key source texts of the hermetic tradition.

American Indian College Fund

The idea within the publications that can be found in magazines such as The New York Times Magazine, U.S. News and World Report and has appeared on television and radio, is going back to the roots of Native culture and tradition to help solve modern-day problems for all people.

Analytical Thomism

By the middle of the 20th century Aquinas's thought came into dialogue with the analytical tradition through the work of G. E. M. Anscombe, Peter Geach, and Anthony Kenny.

Appleseed Recordings

In 1997, for Appleseed’s first major project, Musselman approached numerous wellknown musicians and other creative artists (writer Studs Terkel, actor/writer/director/musician Tim Robbins) with a request to each record a song written, adapted or performed by Pete Seeger for a tribute album to highlight Seeger’s musical contributions and his tradition of mixing songs and political activism.

Argumentation theory

Trudy Govier, Douglas Walton, Michael Gilbert, Harvey Seigal, Michael Scriven, and John Woods (to name only a few) are other prominent authors in this tradition.

Ayvu Rapyta

Cadogan records the myths and religious tradition of the Mbyá Guaraní of the Guairá Department of Paraguay as told him by, among others, Cacique Pablo Vera.

Boris Christoff

Owing to his stage presence and dramatic temperament, he was a worthy heir to the grand tradition of Slavonic basses exemplified by Fyodor Stravinsky, Lev Sibiriakov, Vladimir Kastorsky, Feodor Chaliapin, Alexander Kipnis and Mark Reizen, among others.


Designers such as Lise Skjåk Bræk have developed entire lines of costumes based on the bunad tradition.


Fantuzzi, M. & Hunter, R. Tradition and Innovation in Hellenistic Poetry (CUP, 2004).

Carol Wyatt

In 1988 the artist was included in The Romantic Tradition in Contemporary British Painting with John Bellany, Alan Davie, Christopher le Brun, Therese Oulton, Michael Porter and Lance Smith touring Spanish Museums which was curated by Keith Patrick.

Chez Raginiak

His third book, Tradition! What's your polka? was endorsed by Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Coat of arms of Vestfold

The coat of arms of Vestfold alludes to the tradition of the ancient Norwegian Royal house of Yngling originated in Vestfold.

Contardo Barbieri

He graduated from the Brera Academy in 1921 and in his youthful works he re-elaborated the late 19th-century Lombard figurative tradition, attracted by the researches into light and colour carried out by Emilio Gola, Daniele Ranzoni and Emilio Longoni.

Cristián Undurraga

Its particular dialogue with geography and its balance between tradition and modernity lead it to be recognized with the Andrea Palladio International Prize, juried by James Stirling, Rafael Moneo, Manfredo Tafuri and Francesco Dal Co in 1991.

Daisy Tourné

In 2007, as Interior Minister, Tourné oversaw security for the visit to Uruguay of US President George W. Bush, to whom a significant hostility among many of Ms. Tourné's Frente Amplio colleagues, raised in a tradition which magnifies Che Guevara and his Cuban fellow revolutionaries, was widely noted.


This type of decemvirate (also called the decemviri litibus iudicandis and translated as "the ten men who judge lawsuits") was a civil court of ancient origin (traditionally attributed to King Servius Tullius) mainly concerned with questions bearing on the status of individuals.

Deirdre Hyde

In her twenties she was inspired by the adventurous tradition of Maria Sibylla Merian, Emilio Spann, Frederick Catherwood, Margaret Mee and Marianne North.

Donatus of Zadar

According to tradition, St. Donatus brought the relics to Zadar from Constantinople, when he was there with the Venetian duke Beato.

Dorje Pakmo

The Dorje Phagmo is currently a member of the monastic community of the Thangtong Dewachen nunnery at Zilingkha in Thimphu, which follows the Nyingma and the Shangpa Kagyu tradition.

Elting E. Morison

1960 - Elting E. Morison - Turmoil and Tradition, a biography of Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of State in the Hoover Administration and later Secretary of War in the Roosevelt Administration, Parkman Prize of the Society of American Historians.

Fabula and syuzhet

For example Leslie Marmon Silko (1981) says "White ethnologists reported that the oral tradition among Native American groups has died out" (p. 28).

Franz Anton von Sporck

Many creative operatic works were first performed in the Sporck theater, including the first opera to use the original settings and character names from the tradition of Don Juan dramatizations: the opera La pravità castigata (1730) with words by Antonio Denzio and music mainly by Antonio Caldara.

Gaspar Llamazares

In the 2004 general election, Llamazares was elected Deputy for Madrid (as it is tradition for the Prime Ministerial Candidates of the national parties to be candidates for Madrid) but IU obtained its worst result ever with only 3 seats in Congress (5 in coalition with Initiative for Catalonia Greens).

Hartmut Geerken

In the second paper, he states that he had discovered a tradition of recreational use of the Amanita muscaria use among the Parachi-speaking people of the Shutul Valley.

Henry Joy Fynes-Clinton

In 1937 and 1938 he organized visits to allow Fr Paul Couturier to meet active parishes in the Anglican Catholic tradition and visit a number of the then vigorous Anglican religious communities.

History of Rajasthan

Following the Mughal tradition and more importantly due to its strategic location Ajmer became a province of British India, while the autonomous Rajput states, the Muslim state (Tonk), and the Jat states (Bharatpur and Dholpur) were organized into the Rajputana Agency.

Imdad Khan

His two sons Enayat Khan and Wahid Khan, his grandsons Vilayat Khan and Imrat Khan, and great-grandsons Shahid Parvez, Shujaat Khan, Nishat Khan, Irshad Khan, Wajahat Khan, Shafaatullah Khan, Azmat Ali Khan and Hidayat Khan have all upheld his musical tradition, musical luminaries themselves.

Irene Kantakouzene

In local tradition she is described as a cruel queen who threw children from highest tower to dark river Đetinja.

Italian classical music

Thus, we know that there was a vibrant troubador tradition in the 12th century in the Provence in their language and we know that 1000 miles away on the island of Sicily there was also a vibrant troubador tradition at the Hohenstaufen court of Frederick II, songs sung in the dialect of the people (very much influenced, for example, by Arabic), but it is conjecture as to exactly what either one sounded like.

Jón Kristinsson

The project altered the building tradition in the Netherlands.

Königsberger Paukenhund

The tradition dates from the 1866 Battle of Königgrätz, where troops of the Prussian 43rd Infantry Regiment ("Duke Karl of Mecklenburg-Strelitz") overran the drum wagon of the Austrian 77th Infantry Regiment ("Karl Salvator of Tuscany"), whose dog, a Saint Bernard named "Sultan", had been shot.

Mission-type tactics

Excellence in this case is derived in part from the tradition of Gerhard von Scharnhorst, Carl von Clausewitz and Helmuth von Moltke and was based upon the premise that hard-and-fast rules had no place in the environment of war, which was the realm of human emotion, friction, chance and uncertainty.

Nachman of Breslov

According to Breslov tradition, a number of prominent figures of Hasidut supported Rebbe Nachman against the Shpoler Zeide's opposition, including Rabbi Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev, Rabbi Gedalia of Linitz, Rabbi Zev Wolf of Charni-Ostrov, and Rabbi Avraham of Kalisk.

Natha Devale, Kandy

The Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, being worshiped as a curer of diseases, the tradition of distributing herbal preparations on New Year day was conducted here until recent times.

Nathaniel Saltonstall

He graduated from Harvard College in 1659, beginning the family tradition of higher education at this university.

New York Press

In the tradition of earlier NY underground papers like East Village Other, New York Press also regularly published cutting-edge comic art, including early work by founding art director Michael Gentile, Kaz, Ben Katchor, Charles Burns, Mark Beyer, Mark Newgarden, Ward Sutton, M. Wartella, Gary Panter, Danny Hellman, Tony Millionaire and others.

NORAD Tracks Santa

The program is in the tradition of the September 1897 editorial "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus" in the New York Sun.

Phyllanthus emblica

According to Hindu tradition, Adi Shankara of Kerala composed and recited the Kanakadhara stotram in praise of Mahalakshmi to make a poor Brahmin lady get wealth, in return for a single amla presented to him as bhiksha on an auspicious dwadashi day.

Rafe de Crespigny

The approach owes a great deal to the narrative tradition of the historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Religious liberalism in Rajput courts

Jain temples ornamenting the landscapes of Rajasthan and Gujarat (including those at Mount Abu, Palitana and Osian) bear testimony to the support extended by Rajput rulers to the Jain tradition.

Rogation days

The beginnings of the tradition can be traced to the Roman holiday of Robigalia, where a goat was sacrificed and crops were blessed in the name of the God Robigus.

The Cain Tradition

In the epic poem Beowulf, the antagonists Grendel and Grendel's mother are described as descendants of Cain, which some scholars argue, links them to the Cain Tradition.

Tychicus of Chalcedon

Tradition holds that he was bishop of Chalcedon in the 1st century CE, and he is sometimes numbered among the Seventy Disciples.

United States Post Office-Visalia Town Center Station

Following with Art Deco tradition, the architect drew heavy inspiration from a multitude of sources, including Mesoamerica, Greece, Rome, and Egypt.

Waswo X. Waswo

Since India Poems Waswo has created a series of studio portraits at his home in Udaipur, Rajasthan, following the tradition of Indian studio portraitists such as those done by Lala Deen Dayal.

Xiaoxiang poetry

Besides the Han Dynasty writers and editors, such as Wang Yi, who contributed to the Chuci, another important Han era poet in the Xiaoxiang tradition was Jia Yi, who was exiled by Han Wendi to Changsha.


Žatec became famous for an over-700-year-long tradition of growing Saaz noble hops used by several breweries.

see also