
4 unusual facts about Orfeo

Figured bass

Sometimes instruments are specified by the composer: in L'Orfeo (1607) Monteverde calls for an exceptionally varied instrumentation.

Giulio Caccini

His influence as a teacher has perhaps been underestimated, since he trained dozens of musicians to sing in the new style, including the castrato Giovanni Gualberto Magli, who sang in the first production of Monteverdi's first opera Orfeo.

Historically informed performance

A well-discussed example can be found in Monteverdi's L'Orfeo, where the indications on which instruments to use are partial and limited to critical sections only.

La morte d'Orfeo

La morte d'Orfeo Cyril Auvity, Guillemette Laurens, Dominique Visse, van Elsacker, Guillon, Bucher, Akadêmia, conducted by Françoise Lasserre (Zig Zag Territoires, 2007)

Annie Fischer

Annie Fischer's recordings have been released by several major record companies, which include: BBC Records, Doremi, EMI Classics, Hungaroton, Orfeo, Palexa, Q Disc, Urania, Melodiya and ICA Classics.

Caroline Stam

On the opera stage she appeared as Pamina in Mozart's The Magic Flute, Clarijn in Der Spiegel von Venedig of Hendrik Andriessen, Ninfa in Monteverdi's L'Orfeo, Belinda in Purcell's Dido and Aeneas, Dorinda in Handel's Orlando and Hélène in Chabrier's Une éducation manquée.

Fay Hield

Orfeo, released May 2012, is Hield's second album, and sees the launch of a new line-up, Fay Hield & The Hurricane Party (Jon Boden, Rob Harbron, Sam Sweeney & Andy Cutting).

François Duquesnoy

In Rome, Duquesnoy's student Orfeo Boselli wrote Osservazioni della scoltura antica in the 1650s; his observations reflected connoisseurship of the subtle contours of superior Greek sculpture, considered superior to Roman work, which had been developed in Duquesnoy's circle and would inform the sensibility of Winckelmann and Neoclassicism.

Jenny Erpenbeck

As a freelance director, she directed in 1998 different opera houses in Germany and Austria, including Monteverdi's L'Orfeo in Aachen, Acis and Galatea at the Berlin State Opera and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Zaide in Nuremberg/Erlangen.

Johannette Zomer

She has appeared on the opera stage since 1996 as Pamina in Mozart's The Magic Flute, as Euridice both in Monteverdi’s L'Orfeo and Haydn’s L'anima del filosofo, and as Mélisande in Debussy’s Pelléas et Mélisande.

John Whenham

He is a leading expert on the life and works of Claudio Monteverdi, and is the author of the books Duet and Dialogue in the Age of Monteverdi (Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms International, 1982) Monteverdi, 'Orfeo' (London: Cambridge University Press, 1986), Monteverdi, Vespers (1610) (Cambridge University Press, 1997), and The Cambridge Companion to Monteverdi (with Richard Wistreich, Cambridge University Press, 2007).

Lamberto Gardelli

Gardelli was considered a specialist in the works of Verdi and he made several recordings of that composer's operas in the 1960s and 1970s, conducting pioneering recordings of the neglected early operas with record companies such as Orfeo and Philips.

Marie Luise Neunecker

Volker David Kirchner dedicated his Orfeo for baritone, horn and piano on poems from Rilke's Sonnets to Orpheus to her, premiered on 6 May 1988 in Karlsruhe with Hermann Becht and Nina Tichman.

Max Meili

Ten years later, on 15 January 1941, Meili sang Addio terra, addio cielo from Monteverdi's L'Orfeo at the funeral service of James Joyce at Zürich's Fluntern Cemetery.

Michi Gaigg

Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767): Orpheus, 2CDs Dorothee Mields, Ulrike Hofbauer, Christian Zenker, L'Orfeo Barockorchester, Michi Gaigg

Nan Sathida Prompiriya

- Taking a leading role (Euridice) in Orfeo under the production of Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra and another role in the performance of Ayothaya Opera by Mr. Somtow Sujaritkul S. P. Somtow

Opera Quotannis

The ensemble's first production was in January 1991, Gluck's Orfeo ed Euridice, with counter-tenor Derek Lee Ragin as Orpheus and soprano Tracey Mitchell as Euridice, with a period-instrument orchestra, at the Church of St Paul the Apostle at Lincoln Center.

Radio Alice

In 2002 some former staff members participated in the founding of Orfeo TV, the first Telestreet pirate TV.

Sir Orfeo

Following J.R.R. Tolkien's death, his son Christopher Tolkien found an unpolished translation of Sir Orfeo and published it in edited form with Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Pearl.

Thais St Julien

Miss St Julien has also appeared with The New Opera Theatre (as Dido in Dido and Æneas, her New York debut at Symphony Space, 1988), Pro Arte Chorale (Amor in a Concert Version of Orfeo ed Euridice, opposite Derek Lee Ragin), Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra (Messiah), Great Neck Choral Society, International Dvořák Festival, Lyric Opera of Dallas, New Orleans Opera Association, Southwest Chamber Orchestra, Jefferson Performing Arts Society (Bach's Magnificat), etc.

William Matteuzzi

He now mainly dedicates himself to teaching singing and giving master classes in Italy, Germany and Japan, but he has latterly founded an ensemble for recording Monteverdi operas, which has released recordings of L'incoronazione di Poppea and L'Orfeo.

see also