Organizational safety is a contemporary discipline of study and research developed from the works of James Reason, creator of the Swiss Cheese Model, and Charles Perrow author of Normal Accidents.
Rosabeth Moss Kanter notes in the chapter 2 of the book that change should be seen as opportunity rather than see it as a threat.
Committee of Public Safety | National Transportation Safety Board | safety | Occupational Safety and Health Administration | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health | Committee of Safety | Occupational safety and health | National Safety Council | European Food Safety Authority | Health and Safety Executive | The Safety of Objects | Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology | Safety (American football position) | Safety (American and Canadian football position) | Occupational Safety and Health Act | Food Safety and Inspection Service | Safety | National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act | Mountain Safety Research | Mine Safety and Health Administration | In-Flight Safety | European Aviation Safety Agency | Workplace Safety & Insurance Board | State Administration of Work Safety | safety lamp | Safety Beach, Victoria | Safety Beach | safety (American football score) | Road Safety Act 2006 |