In the 1994 film Words Upon the Window Pane, based on the play by William Butler Yeats, she is played by Orla Brady: the plot turns on a seance in modern Dublin where the ghosts of Swift, Stella and Vanessa appear to resume their 200-year-old quarrel.
The Brady Bunch | Tom Brady | Saale-Orla-Kreis | Bob Brady | Wayne Brady | Neustadt an der Orla | Diamond Jim Brady | Paul Brady | The Brady Bunch Hour | Seán Brady | Brady | William A. Brady | Thomas J. Brady | Mathew Brady | Liam Brady | Hugh Brady | Fort Brady | Brady Quinn | Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act | Beef O'Brady's | Andrea Brady | William J. Brady | The Brady Bunch Movie | Shawn-Douglas Brady | Samuel Brady | Saale-Orla | Orla Kiely | Orla Fallon | Orla Brady | Jordan Brady |