
unusual facts about Osiris-Dionysus


Later authors, such as Peter Gandy and Timothy Freke, have expanded this line of reasoning to encompass not merely Roman Catholicism, but Christianity more generally.

Arthur Worthington

He refounded a new Temple of Truth, attracted new followers, and even found an "Isis" to compliment his newfound identity as a reincarnation of Osiris, an ancient Egyptian deity.


Dionysus was worshipped in the same Nabatean temple dedicated for Dushara.

Aurelia Paulina

Over the large arch of the nymphaeum, there is a pediment with a relief of a distinctively feminine symbolism depicting the deities Eros, Artemis and Dionysus.


Osiris, an Egyptian god, usually identified as the god of the afterlife, the underworld and the dead.

Battle of Pharos

An expedition of 10,000 men in 300 ships sailed out from Zadar and laid siege to the Greek colony Pharos in the island of Hvar, but the Syracusan fleet of Dionysus was alerted and attacked the siege fleet.

Casa de la Panadería

Carlos Franco won with a design based on mythological figures such as Cybele, Proserpine, Bacchus, and Cupid, as well as others invented by the artist, interwoven into the history of Madrid and the Plaza Mayor.

Christmas flowers

The ivy leaf has been associated with the Egyptian God, Osiris, and the Greco-Roman god, Attis; both of whom were resurrected from the dead.

Danny Barbarigos

Dionysus Restaurant, Glenview Illinois (1972–73) was a Greek restaurant.

Digger Phelps

Phelps played the part of Bacchus, the God of Wine, in two performances in April 2006.

Dionysius I of Syracuse

Dionysus wanted a friendly monarch in Epirus, so he sent 2,000 Greek hoplites and 500 suits of Greek armour to help the Illyrians under Bardyllis in attacking the Molossians of Epirus.

Esther Cardoso

To commemorate Gaia's opening, on the eve of the millennium, she co-directed A Millennium Night's Dream, a fourteen hour spectacle involving 84 actors, inspired by the mythical conflict between Dionysus (god of pleasure) and Pentheus (lord of reason) involving promenade performances, fire-eating, acrobatics, dance, poetry, and Cuban story-telling.


For five days, the Ancient Egyptians celebrated the birthdays of Osiris, Horus, Isis, Seth and Nephtys - one on each day - by lighting the streets with fanous-like torches.

James Purdy

They were merely restating in a modern context the psychology of Dionysus set forth in the accepted and acceptable play The Bacchae by Euripides.

Jesus Christ in comparative mythology

Christ myth theory proponent G. A. Wells still sees an analogy with the Resurrection of Jesus in the Pauline epistles and Osiris, in that Osiris dies and is mourned on the first day and that his resurrection is celebrated on the third day with the joyful cry "Osiris has been found".


Toby Wilkinson suggests that, even at this early stage, Khenti-Amentiu's name may have been simply an epithet of Osiris.

Labeo niloticus

It is generally believed to be the fish the swallowed the phallus of the Egyptian god Osiris in the myth regarding his death at the hands of his brother Seth.


The Greek expression lyssa may mean "frenetic fury" or "madness", typical of Bacchus/Dionysus.

Malaclypse the Younger

According to Malaclypse the Elder himself, he is a 4th century B.C. Erisian priest (who was also prepared to perform services to Hermes, Dionysus, Heracles, Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera) who achieved "transcendental illumination" in the course of the massacre at Melos in 415 BC.

Musée Henri-Mathieu

It is located in the former Bruyères Synagogue which was built with funding from a sponsor, Daniel Osiris, for the Jewish community of Bruyères.

Numbers in Egyptian mythology

"Osiris, the murdered god," A History of Religious Ideas, Vol. 1: From the Stone Age to the Eleusinian Mysteries, Mircea Eliade, page 97, note 35.


The OSIRIS-REx Thermal Emission Spectrometer (OTES) provides mineral and thermal emission spectral maps and local spectral information of candidate sample sites by collecting thermal infrared data from 4 - 50 µm.

The mission is planned for a 2016 launch and will study and return a sample of asteroid 101955 Bennu (formerly designated 1999 RQ36), a carbonaceous asteroid, to Earth for detailed analyses in 2023.

They indicate that 101955 Bennu is very dark and is classified as a B-type asteroid, a sub-type of the carbonaceous C-group asteroids.

It provides at least two spectral samples per resolution element taking full advantage of the spectral resolution.


Such songs were originally addressed to Apollo, and afterwards to other gods, Dionysus, Helios, Asclepius.

Particular judgment

With the rise of the cult of Osiris during the Middle Kingdom (c. 2040–1640 BCE) in Ancient Egypt the “democratization of religion” offered to even his humblest followers the prospect of eternal life, with moral fitness becoming the dominant factor in determining a person's suitability.

Paul Jerricho

Other theatre work includes The Biko Inquest at the Riverside Studios with Albert Finney; Manningham in Gaslight at Salisbury Playhouse; Dionysus in The Bacchae at Bristol Old Vic; Banquo in Macbeth and Hortensio in The Taming of the Shrew.

Robert M. Price

He questions the idea of a historical Jesus; in the documentary The God Who Wasn't There, Price supports a version of the Jesus myth hypothesis, suggesting that the early Christians adopted the model for the figure of Jesus from the popular Mediterranean dying-rising saviour myths of the time, such as that of Dionysus.

S.A. Griffin

Notable television guest star credits include Perry Mason, Matlock, Alien Nation, Designing Women, Melrose Place, Las Vegas, Dexter, Days of our Lives and appears as Dr. Osiris in the ride film In Search of the Obelisk directed by Douglas Trumbull at the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada since 1992.


Eve herself was verbally seduced by the serpent, believed in Christianity to be Satan; the Sirens of Greek mythology lured sailors to their death by singing them to shipwreck; Cleopatra beguiled both Julius Caesar and Marc Antony, Dionysus was the Greek God of Seduction and wine, and Persian queen Scheherazade saved herself from execution by story-telling.


Silenoz explained in an interview that his stage-name is derived from an alternative Latinised spelling of the Greek "Silenus," the name of a satyr-like being in Greek mythology who was a tutor to the wine god Dionysus, and was said to possess special knowledge and the power of prophecy while intoxicated.


After his association with Horus and consequent adoption into the Osirian triad of Osiris, Isis, and Horus in the Middle Kingdom, Sobek became associated with Isis as a healer of the deceased Osiris (following his violent murder by Set in the central Osiris myth).


Gods who ride such animals, notably Shiva and Dionysos, or who have canine servants, notably Orion and Osiris (with Anubis his gatekeeper and embalmer), were also regarded by Kerenyi as partly derived from Iachen, the sublimator, or an even older myth.


The recording of the album took place in London, England, at Strongroom Recording Studio, and the songs, mostly written by Sodagreen's lead singer Wu Tsing-Fong, contain Britpop elements and lyrical references to the supernatural, Faust, Madame Butterfly, Don Quixote and the Greek god Dionysus, the subject of three brief prose passages between tracks, written in English by band manager Will Lin and recited by studio engineer Dan McKinna.

Taketo Gohara

Specializing in music for movies in surround sound, he has mixed "Primo Amore" by Matteo Garrone winner of Silver Bear as the best soundtrack composed by Banda Osiris for the Berlin Film Festival.


The coin depicts on its obverse a crowned head of "Apollo" with a three-lobed ivy leaf, a usual symbol of Dionysus, and the name or cult title ΕΛΚΕSΟΟΥΙΞ (Elkesovix).

The Lightning Child

The third examines Caster Semenya and her gender-testing at the 2009 World Championships in Athletics, relating it to Dionysus' ambiguous gender and Pentheus' disguise as a woman.

The Power of Myth

The Troubadours, Eros, romantic love, Tristan, libido vs. credo, separation from love, Satan, loving your enemy, the Crucifixion as atonement, virgin birth, the story of Isis, Osiris and Horus, the Madonna, the Big Bang, the correlation between the earth or mother Goddess and images of fertility (the sacred feminine).

Thruxton, Hampshire

A Roman building considered to be a temple or a basilican villa was unearthed in 1823, which contained a mosaic depicting Bacchus seated on a tiger.

UWA Hardcore Wrestling

This event took place at the Bolton Fairgrounds in Bolton, Ontario and included the following participants: Osiris, Asylum, Bishop, Mickey Knight, Blue Jabroni, Nick Watts, Lionel Knight and Ruckus.

Víctor Manuel Vucetich

Due to his success, Vucetich has been given the nickname "Rey Midas", or "King Midas", by the Mexican media, referring to Midas, king of Phrygia, who according to Greek Mythology was given the ability to turn anything he touched into gold by Dionysus.

Zielona Góra Wine Fest

It is preceded by a symbolic ceremony when the Roman wine god Bacchus and his Maenads receive the keys to the town from the local authorities.

see also