
28 unusual facts about ''Dionysus

Battle of Heraclea

In the autumn of 282 BC, Tarentum celebrated their festival of Dionysus; while in their theatre in front of sea, they saw ten Roman ships, with soldiers and supplies for the Roman garrison of Thurii, entering the Gulf of Taranto.

Body grooming

Back in the 5th century BC, the Greeks heralded the young, hairless, athletic man as beautiful while hairy bodies were considered hideous and associated with satyrs, barbarians and the cult of Dionysus.

Catullus 64

Her impassioned vituperations and eventual discovery by the wine-god Bacchus are some of the included plot events.


Cistae mystica were used in the initiation ceremony of the cult of Bacchus or Dionysus, as well as an early gnostic sect called the Ophites.

Digger Phelps

Phelps played the part of Bacchus, the God of Wine, in two performances in April 2006.

Esther Cardoso

To commemorate Gaia's opening, on the eve of the millennium, she co-directed A Millennium Night's Dream, a fourteen hour spectacle involving 84 actors, inspired by the mythical conflict between Dionysus (god of pleasure) and Pentheus (lord of reason) involving promenade performances, fire-eating, acrobatics, dance, poetry, and Cuban story-telling.

Gheorghe Ştefănescu

and the brew was sold at inflated prices, with the difference pocketed by Ştefănescu (nicknamed "Bachus") and his men.


Between Monte Antico and Monte Capraro was a Pagus Collis Nisii or Collenisyus ("Hill of Bacchus") where the escaped from Usconium were sheltered after its destruction by the Goths.

GWR Charles Tayleur locomotives

:This locomotive was named after Bacchus, the Roman god of the harvest and was later carried by a Pyracmon Class goods locomotive.

Hermogenes of Priene

Hermogenes was the architect of the hexastyle peripteral Temple of Dionysus in Teos, also mentioned by Vitruvius.

James Purdy

They were merely restating in a modern context the psychology of Dionysus set forth in the accepted and acceptable play The Bacchae by Euripides.

Kill Your Boyfriend

Morrison notes in the afterword of the second edition that the story is inspired in part by the myth of Dionysus.

Lebanese wine

Wine played an important part in Phoenician religion, and the Greek/Roman god Dionysus/Bacchus may have originated in the wine rituals of Canaan.

Littlecote Roman Villa

This mosaic is usually interpreted in very complicated pagan religious terms involving not only Orpheus, but Bacchus and Apollo, the hall being seen as a cult centre for these two gods.


The Greek expression lyssa may mean "frenetic fury" or "madness", typical of Bacchus/Dionysus.

Malaclypse the Younger

According to Malaclypse the Elder himself, he is a 4th century B.C. Erisian priest (who was also prepared to perform services to Hermes, Dionysus, Heracles, Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera) who achieved "transcendental illumination" in the course of the massacre at Melos in 415 BC.

Order of Woodcraft Chivalry

He saw women as incarnations of God, to be "worshipped in spirit and in truth"; he revered the Jack-in-the-Green, which he considered to be the English equivalent of Dionysus, and held that the "Trinity of Woodcraft" consisted of Pan, Artemis and Dionysus.


Later authors, such as Peter Gandy and Timothy Freke, have expanded this line of reasoning to encompass not merely Roman Catholicism, but Christianity more generally.

Painter of Nicosia Olpe

In this case the painter chose to mainly focus on departure scenes, and scenes of the God Dionysus with maenads and satyrs.

Robert M. Price

He questions the idea of a historical Jesus; in the documentary The God Who Wasn't There, Price supports a version of the Jesus myth hypothesis, suggesting that the early Christians adopted the model for the figure of Jesus from the popular Mediterranean dying-rising saviour myths of the time, such as that of Dionysus.

Secretariat of Public Education Main Headquarters

In the center, there is a group of sculptures representing the Greek gods Apollo, Minerva and Dionysus done by Ignacio Asunsolo, which were placed here to emphasize the building’s now-secular function.


Eve herself was verbally seduced by the serpent, believed in Christianity to be Satan; the Sirens of Greek mythology lured sailors to their death by singing them to shipwreck; Cleopatra beguiled both Julius Caesar and Marc Antony, Dionysus was the Greek God of Seduction and wine, and Persian queen Scheherazade saved herself from execution by story-telling.


The recording of the album took place in London, England, at Strongroom Recording Studio, and the songs, mostly written by Sodagreen's lead singer Wu Tsing-Fong, contain Britpop elements and lyrical references to the supernatural, Faust, Madame Butterfly, Don Quixote and the Greek god Dionysus, the subject of three brief prose passages between tracks, written in English by band manager Will Lin and recited by studio engineer Dan McKinna.


The coin depicts on its obverse a crowned head of "Apollo" with a three-lobed ivy leaf, a usual symbol of Dionysus, and the name or cult title ΕΛΚΕSΟΟΥΙΞ (Elkesovix).

Thruxton, Hampshire

A Roman building considered to be a temple or a basilican villa was unearthed in 1823, which contained a mosaic depicting Bacchus seated on a tiger.

Víctor Manuel Vucetich

Due to his success, Vucetich has been given the nickname "Rey Midas", or "King Midas", by the Mexican media, referring to Midas, king of Phrygia, who according to Greek Mythology was given the ability to turn anything he touched into gold by Dionysus.

Virius Gallus

He had not converted to Christianity, and reportedly had a statue of Dionysus to which he made sacrifices.

Ye Gods

The next day, he tries to track down Bacchus and does so, finding him at a party along with Cupid.

Agia Paraskevi, Lesbos

Near the village at Klopedi, are the remains of the ancient Aeolian temple of Napaios Apollo, while Messa, also nearby, boasts the ruins of a big Ionian temple (late 4th–early 3rd century BC), possibly dedicated to three Greek deities: Zeus, Hera and Dionysos.


Dionysus was worshipped in the same Nabatean temple dedicated for Dushara.

Aurelia Paulina

Over the large arch of the nymphaeum, there is a pediment with a relief of a distinctively feminine symbolism depicting the deities Eros, Artemis and Dionysus.

Battle of Pharos

An expedition of 10,000 men in 300 ships sailed out from Zadar and laid siege to the Greek colony Pharos in the island of Hvar, but the Syracusan fleet of Dionysus was alerted and attacked the siege fleet.

Casa de la Panadería

Carlos Franco won with a design based on mythological figures such as Cybele, Proserpine, Bacchus, and Cupid, as well as others invented by the artist, interwoven into the history of Madrid and the Plaza Mayor.

Danny Barbarigos

Dionysus Restaurant, Glenview Illinois (1972–73) was a Greek restaurant.

Dionysius I of Syracuse

Dionysus wanted a friendly monarch in Epirus, so he sent 2,000 Greek hoplites and 500 suits of Greek armour to help the Illyrians under Bardyllis in attacking the Molossians of Epirus.

Dionysus Sardanapalus

In Oliver Stone's biopic Alexander (2004), Dionysus is shown on-screen as bearded, longhaired, crowned with ivy, and draped in a lion skin and voluminous chiton, in a variation on this "Sardanapalus" statue type.

Donations of Alexandria

For the finale of the festivities, the whole city was summoned to the Gymnasium of Alexandria, where Antony and Cleopatra, dressed as Dionysus-Osiris and Isis-Aphrodite, sat on golden thrones.

Fairytales and Reality

Fairytales and Reality is the third album from Swedish/German power metal band Dionysus released August 23, 2006 (advanced Japanese release).

Michael Aronov

He played opposite Annabella Sciorra in MCC's production of Spain at the Lucille Lortel Theatre; Dionysus in The Bacchae 2.1; and Edgar in an award-winning production of King Lear.

Mustafakemalpaşa River

In his Dionysiaca, Nonnus recorded their waters being used by Dionysus to drug the nymph Nicaea after she offended the Rhyndacides by murdering the shepherd Hymnus.


In later tellings of Dionysus's infancy, the Nysiades appear to be identified with the Hyades.


Such songs were originally addressed to Apollo, and afterwards to other gods, Dionysus, Helios, Asclepius.

Paul Jerricho

Other theatre work includes The Biko Inquest at the Riverside Studios with Albert Finney; Manningham in Gaslight at Salisbury Playhouse; Dionysus in The Bacchae at Bristol Old Vic; Banquo in Macbeth and Hortensio in The Taming of the Shrew.


All of the names of Dionysus above are attested in four inscriptions from Beroea c.


Silenoz explained in an interview that his stage-name is derived from an alternative Latinised spelling of the Greek "Silenus," the name of a satyr-like being in Greek mythology who was a tutor to the wine god Dionysus, and was said to possess special knowledge and the power of prophecy while intoxicated.


Gods who ride such animals, notably Shiva and Dionysos, or who have canine servants, notably Orion and Osiris (with Anubis his gatekeeper and embalmer), were also regarded by Kerenyi as partly derived from Iachen, the sublimator, or an even older myth.

The Lightning Child

The third examines Caster Semenya and her gender-testing at the 2009 World Championships in Athletics, relating it to Dionysus' ambiguous gender and Pentheus' disguise as a woman.

The Rhodopi International Theater Collective

The Rhodopa Mountains is the mythological birthplace of Orpheus and the original terrain of the cult of Dionysus, thus a mythological birthplace of Western theatre and performance.

Zielona Góra Wine Fest

It is preceded by a symbolic ceremony when the Roman wine god Bacchus and his Maenads receive the keys to the town from the local authorities.