
unusual facts about Outside World

Outside World

Version 1 is a spectacular black-and-white affair featuring Claudia Brucken being stalked by Mabuse (actor Vladek Sheybal), through a dark and eerie castle full of monks.

see also

A Fazenda

The show is based on a group of celebrities living together twenty-four hours a day in a Farm (located in Itu, São Paulo), isolated from the outside world (primarily from mass media, such as newspapers, telephones, television and the internet) while having all their steps followed by cameras around-the-clock, with no privacy for three months.

A Letter to Three Wives

Her first experience with the outside world came when she joined the Navy WAVES during World War II, where she met her future husband Brad (Jeffrey Lynn).

Air Nelson

Also providing isolated towns such as Takaka and Motueka with a convenient safe service to the outside world.

Alarm Forest

The village is also home to the island's headquarters of Cable and Wireless, with its large satellite dishes, which connect Saint Helena to the outside world.

Alaska Communications System

The ACS also provided a vital lifeline - sometimes quite literally - to the many remote and almost inaccessible communities across Alaska: it enabled the icebound city of Nome to alert the outside world about a diphtheria outbreak which led to the successful 1925 serum run to Nome.

Breaking Amish

The cast-members' move to New York City differs from Rumspringa, the rite of passage in which some 16-year-old Amish are allowed to experience the outside world and to decide whether or not they wish to remain with their home communities.

Chartist Mural

An editorial in the South Wales Argus on 31 October commented that "there is a lack of transparency and accountability at the top of the council that has now reached a stage where it is damaging Newport's reputation in the outside world. The timing and manner of the mural demolition was just plain stupid. It resulted in damaging publicity across the media, locally and nationally...".

David Vetter

In 1977, researchers from NASA used their experience with the fabrication of space suits to develop a special suit that would allow Vetter to get out of his bubble and walk in the outside world.

Effects of the automobile on societies

Paving of Mexican Federal Highway 1 through Baja California, completing the connection of Cabo San Lucas to California, and convenient access to the outside world for villagers along the route.


The optical network layer can be easily expanded to provide dedicated channels for other services at bandwidths ranging from 1 Gbit/s to 10 Gbit/s for ad hoc point to point connectivity either from one EMMAN node to another or to the outside world via the Janet Lightpath service.

The equipment also has the ability to structure each wavelength into separate multiple 1 Gbit/s channels for the routers that run the production IP network as well as having the capability to provide dedicated point to point links at speeds up to 10 Gbit/s either within EMMAN or for linking to the outside world via the Janet Lightpath service.

Erik Zürcher

In 1962 he became professor of history of East Asia, particularly the Chinese Buddhism, Chinese reactions to the Christianity and early relations between China and the outside world.

Experimental literature

Greek author Dimitris Lyacos in Z213: Exit combines, in a kind of a modern-day palimpsest, the diary entries of two narrators in a heavily fragmented text, interspersed with excerpts from the biblical Exodus, to recount a journey along which the distinct realities of inner self and outside world gradually merge.

Hearsay in United States law

#Declarations of present state of mind: Much like a present-sense impression describes the outside world, declarant's statement to the effect of "I am angry!" or "I am Napoleon!" will be admissible to prove that the declarant was indeed angry, or did indeed believe himself to be Napoleon at that time.


This heronry, in the Tumkur district of Karnataka, was first made known to the outside world in 1999 by members of the Tumkur-based NGO Wildlife Aware Nature Club.

Indianola, Washington

In the early 20th century, most transportation on Puget Sound was by steamer, and a community’s dock was often its only lifeline to the outside world.

International Club of Universiti Brunei Darussalam

Nevertheless, a 10 minutes drive from UBD is the Brunei International Airport that serves international airlines as well as budget airlines, making the outside world closer to UBD.

John H. Groberg

When he finally arrived in Tonga, his first assignment was on a remote isolated island called Niuatoputapu, which with neighboring Tafahi, was a place whose contact to the outside world was an occasional telegraph and visiting boat.

Laxdale Hall

A British parliamentary delegation is dispatched to the Scottish Highlands where the residents are protesting at their poor links with the outside world.

Max Cramer

In 2009, as an initiative arising from the Australia on the Map: 1606 - 2006 commemorations, marking the 400th anniversary of Australia's first recorded contact with the outside world, Cramer and the Batavia Coast Maritime Heritage Association erected an impressive statue in Geraldton of Wiebbe Hayes, heroic leader of opposition to the Batavia mutineers.

Melton Constable railway station

The scheme had been born of a desire amongst North Norfolk landowners, including notably Lord Hastings of Melton Constable Hall, to break the East Anglian monopoly of the Great Eastern Railway and to improve communications between the farming community and the outside world.

Monolithic church

This practice was very common in Tigray, where the outside world knew of only a few such churches until the Catholic priest Abba Tewelde Medhin Josief presented a paper to the Third International Conference of Ethiopian Studies in which he announced the existence of over 120 churches, 90 of which were still in use.

Mr. Sam

Born in a small town listening to music from Giorgio Moroder, Klaus Schulze and Elvis Presley he began to get in touch with the outside world and later grew up with his first Depeche Mode purchase which dragged him into the synthesizer based genre of music.

Natalie Teeger

This knowledge proves useful later, as when Monk and Natalie are taken hostage by "Honest" Jake Phillips, with no form of communication to the outside world to call for help available, Natalie lights some rags, puts them in the fireplace, and opens and closes the flue to emit smoke signals that Stottlemeyer and Disher (who are a few blocks away) notice and interpret as Morse for "SOS" (although Randy almost misinterprets the signals as a soda advertisement).

National Peasants' Games

For the government, the games "showcase the achievements made by the Chinese people in the 30 years of the reform and opening up to the outside world," in the words of Chinese Agricultural Minister Sun Zhengcai, at the opening of the sixth event.


Ever since Pemako was first opened to outside world thousands of people from different walks of life settled in the region, among them, earliest were the Tshangla people from Eastern Bhutan who fled their homeland and took refuge there.


Cell surface receptor, a receptor on the outer surface of a cell membrane, that takes part in communication between the cell and the outside world

Rocky Mount, North Carolina

The Wilmington and Weldon Railroad was built about two miles east of the mill in 1845 and became the main connection for Rocky Mount to the outside world.

Ruan Yuan

It was a critical time when Chinese trade with the outside world was allowed only through the Canton System, with all foreigners confined to Guangzhou (Canton), the capital of Guangdong.

Soviet Orientalist studies in Islam

To him, the Islamic expansion was a huge emigration wave of about one million nomads from the Hijaz and Najd regions of Arabia to the outside world.

Takafumi Horie

Horie maintained a digital newsletter from his prison cell and communicated with the outside world though staffers who posted to Twitter on his behalf.

The Road to Jerusalem

After relocating back to Varnhem again, the Prior of the convent, Father Henri, instructs Arn to witness the outside world for himself before taking the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.


The series focuses on teenage wolfbloods Maddy Smith (played by Aimee Kelly) and Rhydian Morris (played by Bobby Lockwood) as they struggle living their double lives as wolfbloods, and keeping their secret concealed from the outside world.

Zuruahã people

Daniel Everett reports that after first contact with the outside world, many Zuruahá, including eight in a day, have begun to commit suicide by drinking curare.