
unusual facts about PC-File


This version works on Windows 3.1, 95, 98, and XP, but uses the 8.3 file naming convention.


Many serious amateur and professional photographers utilize Adorama's online photo lab service for their digital prints, AdoramaPix, which accepts JPGs and TIFF file input.

Alvarez and Marsal

Brian Marsal was reportedly one of the first people contacted by Harvey R. Miller on hearing that Lehman Brothers was likely to need to file for Chapter 11 protection, receiving a call at 10:30 at night on September 14 while he was watching a football game.

Binary translation

The ARIES emulation engine also implements Environment Emulation which emulates an HP 9000 HP-UX application's system calls, signal delivery, exception management, threads management, emulation of HP GDB for debugging, and core file creation for the application.

Body thetan

The Church attempted to keep the case file checked out by a reader at all times, but the story was synopsised in the Los Angeles Times, November 5, 1985 and detailed in William Poundstone's Bigger Secrets (1986) from information presented in the Wollersheim case.

Bolivar railway station, South Australia

ARTC has a file dated 2004 with a diagram of Bolivar loop.

Christian Peter

This inaction led Redmond to file a Title IX suit against Nebraska in 1995; the suit was settled two years later with Nebraska paying $50,000 and the other two agreeing to pay an undisclosed sum of money.

Christmas Tree EXEC

Written by a student at the Clausthal University of Technology in the REXX scripting language, it drew a crude Christmas tree as text graphics, then sent itself to each entry in the target's email contacts file.


The IEEE Power Quality Subcommittee of the IEEE Power & Energy Society has also developed a file format called the Power Quality Data Interchange Format (PQDIF) that is similar to COMTRADE in structure but is used primarily to convey power quality data instead of transient disturbance data.

David Leeson

He has written about the incident in a public blog, stating that although he included copyright symbols with each photo, placed a README file on the CD explaining that the images were for one-time use, and explained to the public affairs officer that the images should be guarded closely to prevent plagiarism, someone made several copies and distributed them.

Dragoon Trace

Keokuk let the Sac people single file out of Iowa on September 10, 1845 down the Draggon Trace to Fort Leavenworth.

Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act

Section 505(j) 21 U.S.C. 355(j) sets forth the process by which would-be marketers of generic drugs can file Abbreviated New Drug Applications (ANDAs) to seek FDA approval of the generic.


DV Audio/Video data can be stored as raw DV data stream file (data is written to a file as the data is received over FireWire, file extensions are .dv and .dif) or the DV data can be packed into container files (ex: Microsoft AVI, Apple MOV).

Dynamic-link library

The file formats for DLLs are the same as for Windows EXE files – that is, Portable Executable (PE) for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows, and New Executable (NE) for 16-bit Windows.


It uses a proprietary file formate that follows the DICOM standard for handling, storing, printing, and transmitting information in medical imaging.

Erich Vermehren

Meanwhile, Erich had made overtures to the British Secret Intelligence Service, which already had a file on him, through its counter-espionage representative Nicholas Elliot.


FFS2, Unix File System, Berkeley Fast File System, the BSD Fast File System or FFS

File sharing

A study by economists Felix Oberholzer-Gee and Koleman Strumpf in 2004 concluded that music file sharing's effect on sales was "statistically indistinguishable from zero".

FIT Issue Management

It features a proprietary flat file database, but can also connect to any JDBC compliant database such as Oracle, MySQL and MS-SQL with the optional database module.

Internet censorship in India

On 21 July 2011, all file hosting websites were blocked by ISPs to prevent piracy of the film Singham, causing anger amongst Internet users.

Intraoral Camera

While other digital SLR cameras are useful, IOCs are best used chairside to show the patient a clear picture of the inside of their mouth, allowing the dentist to consult them on various treatment options, and save the images directly to a patient’s file.


InstallShield WiZard (Project file extension used by InstallShield Express 1.0 and 2.x)

James J. Storrow

With police Commissioner Edwin U. Curtis at odds with the rank and file police, Boston Mayor Andrew J. Peters appointed Storrow to chair an ad hoc Citizen's Committee to review the matter.

Jeff Korek

After graduating from the Maurice A Deane School of Law at Hofstra University, Korek worked as a chauffeur, receptionist and file clerk for F. Lee Bailey and Aaron J. Broder.

Joe Niekro

He appeared on Late Night with David Letterman on August 15, 1987, wearing a carpenter's apron and carrying a power sander, while serving a suspension for having a nail file on the mound.

John Fanning

John Fanning (born December 21, 1963) is an Internet and technology investor and entrepreneur who was a co-founder in 1999 of Napster, an Internet file-sharing service focused on music files that was invented by his nephew Shawn Fanning, along with Sean Parker and Jordan Ritter.


Journaling file system, a technique in computer file systems to prevent corruption

Kristopher Crawford

In 2010, Crawford was charged with seven counts of failure to file state tax documents.


Lendink became notable for an incident in August 2012 where it was assumed to be an illegal file-sharing website, despite its legitimacy, leading to its temporary shutdown after the site's owner and host received hundreds of cease and desist and takedown notices.

Lensfield Road

File :Hobson'sconduit2.JPG"?title=Thomas Hobson">Thomas Hobson, at the point where the conduit crosses Lensfield Road, at its eastern end.

Living Syndication

After putting together 2 demo tracks, Pervez Taufiq released to tracks via the then underground file sharing program, Napster.

Luis A. Eguiguren

He was the director of the General Archive (File) of the Nation (1914), Alderman of Lima (1914-1920), Mayor of Lima (1930), President of the Constituent Congress (1930-1932), founder and leader of the Social Democratic Party.

Malchiel Gruenwald

Shlomo Aronson in his book Hitler, the Allies, and the Jews, claims that Gruenwald's personal file, released by Israeli Home Intelligence, provides a very different picture of Gruenwald's early activities.

Media Access Project

One of the bigger cases that lead to current net neutrality rules was in 2007 when internet service provider Comcast was caught directly manipulating or blocking their subscriber’s access to the popular file sharing service BitTorrent.

Metallica v. Napster, Inc.

Napster was a pioneering peer-to-peer file sharing Internet service, founded by Shawn Fanning, that emphasized sharing digitally encoded music as MP3 audio files.

NeoModus Direct Connect

NeoModus Direct Connect was a file-sharing client for Windows and Mac users that provided file-sharing capabilities for any type of file within a hub-centric, peer-to-peer network and contained adware.


Currently the following data sources are supported: TMX files, XLIFF file, SQL databases.

Orange Rhyming Dictionary

The final track from Orange Rhyming Dictionary, "Sweet Avenue" is often mistakenly attributed to the singer Damien Rice due to regular misattribution on peer-to-peer file sharing networks.

Protocol spoofing

Error correction and file transfer protocols typically work by calculating a checksum or CRC for a block of data known as a packet, and transmitting the resulting number at the end of the packet.

Ray tracing hardware

Software provided integration with Maya (see Autodesk Maya) and Max (see Autodesk 3ds Max) data formats, and utilized the Renderman scene description language for sending data to the processors (the .RIB or Renderman Interface Bytestream file format).


In version 0.90, Simon Tatham added support for an object-file output interface, along with support for DOS .

Red Goodbye

In summer 2009, several months after rock band Creed announced that their reunion album would be titled Full Circle, hundreds of torrents appeared on peer-to-peer file sharing sites labeled as a leaked copy of Full Circle but actually containing Red Goodbye's One Time Mountain, with modified file names and ID3 Tags.


Network redirector, provide access to file systems and printers on other computers on a network, translating between protocols as required


An example of the latter is the high-profile file-sharing court case Capitol v. Thomas.

Robert Lee Yates

On September 11, 2008, Washington Supreme Court Chief Justice Gerry L. Alexander issued a stay of execution to allow the defense time to file additional appeals.

Sarah Deutsch

Deutsch gained media attention for representing Verizon in the copyright case RIAA v. Verizon, in which the Recording Industry Association of America obtained a subpoena demanding Verizon to disclose the identity of several subscribers who were allegedly engaged in illegal P2P file-sharing.

Sirius Corporation Ltd

Sirius provide a full Enterprise Stack which can include, but is not limited to, products such as Asterisk (VoIP), JBoss (application server), Apache (web server), Squid (proxy), OGo/Scalix (groupware), Sendmail/Cyrus (email), Samba/CUPS (file & print), OpenLDAP (directory server), PostgreSQL (database), PostGIS (geographic information systems) and Linux (operating system).


It supports several programming languages (Python, Ruby, Lua, C/C++ etc) for single file programs.Through sourceLair, developers are able to develop professionally their HTML5 and Django projects on the cloud.

Sun Open Storage

Core features provided by Solaris include the operating environment, the ZFS file-system, an analytics tool based on Dtrace, the Network File System (NFS) and CIFS protocol interfaces and other core features.

Sylvia Pankhurst

After the post-war liberation of Ethiopia, she became a strong supporter of union between Ethiopia and the former Italian Somaliland, and MI5's file continued to follow her activities.

The Walter Winchell File

The Walter Winchell File is the title of a television crime drama series that initially aired from 1957 to 1958, dramatizing cases from the New York City Police Department that were covered in the New York Daily Mirror.

see also