
unusual facts about Pablo Armando Fernández

Jeremy Curl

He has travelled widely in Africa and Asia and has worked with statesmen and artists alike, from being photographer to Cuban laureate Pablo Armando Fernández to filmmaker to the President of Latvia.

Cuban literature

Almost all major writers and poets from the class of 1930 to 1940 (Fayad Jamís, Pablo Armando Fernández, Rolando Escardó, Heberto Padilla, César López, Rafael Alcides, Manuel Díaz Martínez, Antón Arrufat, Domingo Alfonso and Eduardo López Morales, among others) were essentially colloquialists.

Diana Bellessi

In March 2008, she participated in the Fourth International Festival of Izmir, dedicated to Latin America, with Sergio Badilla Castillo, María Baranda, Rei Berroa, Rafael Courtoisie, Pablo Armando Fernández, and Margarita Laso.

see also