
unusual facts about Pacific Command

William G. Moore Jr.

C-130 Herculess under his command were the first aircraft into Hanoi to prepare for returning prisoners of war, and he commanded the homecoming operation at Clark Air Base under the direction of the commander in chief, Pacific Command.

see also

Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies

Speakers included: Sen. Daniel Inouye; Adm. Dennis C. Blair, then Commander, U.S. Pacific Command; Dr. William James Perry, former Secretary of Defense; and retired Lt. Gen. H.C. Stackpole (USMC) APCSS president.

David A. Bramlett

During his tenure as Deputy Commander, he was the interim commander of Pacific Command after the commander, Admiral Richard C. Macke, came under fire for comments he had made in regard to the 1995 rape scandal in Okinawa that involved several U.S. servicemen.

Defence Scheme No. 1

According to the plan, Canadian flying columns stationed in Pacific Command in western Canada would immediately be sent to seize Seattle, Spokane, and Portland.

Thomas B. Fargo

In February 2005 he was appointed an honorary Officer of the Order of Australia, "for distinguished naval service, particularly for strengthening the Australia-United States alliance whilst Commander United States Pacific Command".