The program brings talented African American, Hispanic/Latino, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander college seniors and recent graduates to Washington, D.C., where they are placed in congressional offices and learn about health policy.
Pacific Ocean | Pacific | Canadian Pacific Railway | Pacific War | South Pacific | Union Pacific Railroad | Pacific Islands | Pacific Northwest | Northern Pacific Railway | Pacific Islander | Southern Pacific Transportation Company | 2011 Pacific Games | Indo-Pacific | South Pacific (musical) | United States Pacific Fleet | University of the Pacific | Central Pacific Railroad | Britten-Norman Islander | University of the Pacific (United States) | Pacific Northwest Ballet | Cathay Pacific | United States Pacific Command | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation | Asia-Pacific | Pacific Southwest Airlines | Pacific Rim | War of the Pacific | Pacific Station | Pacific Highway | California Pacific Medical Center |
The racial makeup of the CSA was 97.66% White, 0.6% African American, 0.2% Native American, 0.3% Asian, 0.002% Pacific Islander, 0.2% from other races, and 1.0% from two or more races.
The racial makeup of the μSA was 98.37% White, 0.34% Black or African American, 0.23% Native American, 0.20% Asian, 0.01% Pacific Islander, 0.09% from other races, and 0.76% from two or more races.
The racial makeup of the city was 66.40% White, 6.07% Black or African American, 2.38% Native American, 0.21% Asian, 0.10% Pacific Islander, 23.07% from other races, and 1.77% from two or more races.
The racial makeup of the village was 97.14% White, 0.43% African American, 0.11% Native American, 1.49% Asian American, 0.08% Pacific Islander, 0.40% from other races, and 0.35% from two or more races.
Some people could choose between ethnic rolls and no provision was made for Rotumans, Pacific Islanders, Chinese and part-Chinese to vote.
The ethnic makeup of the school is 35.9% White, non-Hispanic, 38.1% Hispanic, 11.7% African American, 10.7% Asian/Pacific Islander, and 1% Native American.
The racial makeup of the county was 91.02% White, 6.09% Black or African American, 0.60% Asian, 0.28% Native American, 0.04% Pacific Islander, 0.60% from other races, and 1.37% from two or more races.
In common with some other contemporary Oceanic writers (e.g., such as Afaese Manoa of Tuvalu), Gobure has the reputation of a writer with a very strong sense of religious vocation.
Ethnicity: African American, Asian American, Chicano/Latino/Hispanic, Native American, Pacific Islander, Person of color
The racial makeup of the county was 97.66% White, 0.63% Black or African American, 0.37% Native American, 0.35% Asian, 0.01% Pacific Islander, 0.08% from other races, and 0.90% from two or more races.
President of the Labour Party, Andrew Little indicated he would not put himself forward for his party's nomination, preferring a Pacific Islander or Māori candidate.
The racial makeup of the city was 87.1% White (85.1% non-Hispanic), 7.1% African American, 0.11% Native American, 2.8% Asian, 0.07% Pacific Islander, 0.87% from other races, and 1.9% from two or more races.
The racial makeup of the county was 94.15% White, 0.76% Black or African American, 1.03% Native American, 0.42% Asian, 0.04% Pacific Islander, 1.92% from other races, and 1.68% from two or more races.
92.8% were White, 1.0% Native American, 0.9% Black or African American, 0.7% Asian, 0.1% Pacific Islander, 2.2% of some other race and 2.4% of two or more races.
Today, the ethnic makeup of the New Zealand population is undergoing a process of change, with new waves of immigration, higher birth rates and increasing interracial marriage resulting in the New Zealand population of Māori, Asian, Pacific Islander and multiracial descent growing at a higher rate than those of solely European descent, with such groups projected to make up a larger proportion of the population in the future.
64.4% were White, 19.7% Native American, 8.3% Black or African American, 0.2% Asian, 0.1% Pacific Islander, 0.8% of some other race and 6.5% of two or more races.
95.6% were White, 0.6% Native American, 0.6% Asian, 0.2% Black or African American, 0.1% Pacific Islander, 1.4% of some other race and 1.6% of two or more races.
The racial makeup of the county was 97.97% White, 0.56% Black or African American, 0.16% Native American, 0.58% Asian, 0.02% Pacific Islander, 0.13% from other races, and 0.59% from two or more races.
97.9% were White, 0.6% Black or African American, 0.2% Native American, 0.2% Asian, 0.1% Pacific Islander, 0.4% of some other race and 0.7 of two or more races.
The racial makeup of the county was 81.57% White, 13.92% African American, 0.34% Native American, 1.80% Asian, 0.07% Pacific Islander, 0.61% from other races, and 1.68% from two or more races.
He attended the Royal Military College, Duntroon from 1955 to 1958, then entered the military, serving with the Pacific Islander Regiment from 1959 to 1963 and with the regular army in Papua New Guinea, Malaya, Borneo, and in the Vietnam War.
They are also Honolulu's first FM station in this genre to target young adults of Hawaiian/Pacific Islander descent with a hit format that consists of upbeat Contemporary Hawaiian music from Hawaiian acts like The Mana'o Company, Bruddah Waltah & Island Afternoon, and Butch Helemano; along with tracks from other unique national genres, like Reggae, Dancehall and contemporary artists whose music fit those descriptions, like UB40, Bob Marley, Maxi Priest, Big Mountain and others.
The racial makeup of the town was 96.5% White, 0.5% African American, 0.7% Native American, 0.6% Asian, 0.03% Pacific Islander, 0.2% from other races, and 1.5% from two or more races.
The racial makeup of the town was 67.6% White, 24.4% African American, 0.1% Native American, 1.7% Asian, 0.04% are Pacific Islander, 0.04% from other races, and 0.7% from two or more races.
The racial makeup of the borough is 96.35% White, 1.54% African American or Black, 0.27% Native American, 1.00% Asian, 0.00% Pacific Islander, 0.47% from other races, and 0.37% from two or more races.