
4 unusual facts about Palais des Papes

Geoffrey Boucicaut

He and his army occupied Avignon in 1398 and started a five year siege of the Palais des Papes where the Avignon Pope Benedict XIII was, which ended when Benedict managed to escape from Avignon on 12 March 1403 and find shelter in territory belonging to Louis II of Anjou.

Massacres of La Glacière

Some sixty persons were summarily executed in a tower of the Palais des Papes, following the lynching.

Palais des Papes

From 1347 to 1348, Matteo Giovannetti was in charge of the Saint-Jean chapel, located under the Saint-Martial chapel.

The first major exhibition was held between 27 and 30 June 1947 in the Grand Chapel and initiated by René Char.

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