
2 unusual facts about Paramilitary

Organic peroxide

Acetone peroxide is an ingredient in explosive for paramilitaries because of its ease of manufacture, despite its instability.

Typhoon Longwang

In Minhou County, 85 paramilitary police perished when a landslide destroyed their barracks.

Ajoy Roy

He was one of the teachers of Dhaka University who were directly involved with the liberation war of Bangladesh in 1971, paramilitary as a member of Mukti Bahini (or liberation army) involving in guerrilla warfare in Comilla border to fight against the West Pakistani army.

Alfons Flisykowski

Designated as a "bandit" by a paramilitary court (and therefore not protected by the Geneva Convention), he was sentenced to death and executed by firing squad in Danzig-Saspe on October 5, 1939.

Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Before the VRS was formally created, there were a number of paramilitary groups such as the Srpska Dobrovoljačka Garda, Beli Orlovi, as well as some Russian, Greek and other volunteers.

Baron Franz von der Trenck

Trenck earned most of his fame during the War of the Austrian Succession, as the leader and commander of a unit of pandurs, or paramilitary troops in the Austrian army which specialized in frontier warfare, guerrilla tactics and surprise hit-and-run actions, into which he recruited mostly Croatian mercenaries, experienced fighters from the Austro-Ottoman border.

Battles of Bir 'Asluj

During the 1947–1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine, Bir 'Asluj was used as a base of operations for Bedouin paramilitary forces under Hajj Sa'id, mainly against the nearby Jewish village Revivim, a few kilometers to the northwest.

Black Brigade

Black Brigades, Fascist paramilitary groups operating in northern Italy during the final years of World War II, and after the signing of the Italian Armistice in 1943

Bloque Meta

Bloque Meta (English: Meta Block) is a Colombian neo-paramilitary organization engaged in the Colombian armed conflict.

British South Africa Police

The organisation was formed by the BSAC in 1889 as a paramilitary, mounted infantry force in order to provide protection for the Pioneer Column of settlers which moved into Mashonaland in 1890.

Carlos Altamirano

In 1973, sectors of the Chilean Navy tried to convince leaders of the far-right paramilitary organization Patria y Libertad to assassinate him.


Carlos Castaño Gil, (1965-2004) the founder of the Peasant Self-Defense Forces of Córdoba and Urabá (ACCU), an extreme right paramilitary organization in Colombia.

Colum Eastwood

In 2012 he drew criticism from Unionists including Jim Allister after carrying the coffin at the paramilitary funeral of a former INLA member in Derry.A masked Real IRA gunman fired a volley of shots over the coffin,although Eastwood stated he was not present at the time of the gunfire.

Eastern Construction Company

Described in Neil Sheehan's The Pentagon Papers as "private", "public-service", and "anti-communist", ECC provided personnel to Vietnam and Laos in capacities that served paramilitary ends, if not actually paramilitary in and of themselves.

Emil Fey

Emil Fey (23 March 1886 – 16 March 1938, suicide) was an officer in the Austro-Hungarian Army, leader of the right-wing paramilitary Heimwehr forces and politician of the First Austrian Republic.

Florian Marciniak

Florian Marciniak (codenames: Jerzy Nowak, Nowak, J.Krzemień, Szary, Flo; born 4 May 1915, Gorzyce, Kościan County – died 20/21 February 1944, Gross-Rosen) was a Polish scoutmaster (harcmistrz), and the first Naczelnik (Chief Scout) of the paramilitary scouting resistance organization, the Szare Szeregi, during the Second World War.


The Grup d'Intervenció Policia d'Andorra (GIPA), a paramilitary special services unit of the Police Corps of Andorra.

Guillermo Endara

Though his coalition was judged by international observers as having defeated pro-Noriega candidate Carlos Duque, the results were annulled by the government, and Endara and his running mates were attacked in the streets by the paramilitary Dignity Battalions.


GuluWalk is an initiative started by two Canadians to highlight the plight of Acholi children in northern Uganda who used to trek each night to town centers in the districts of Gulu, Kitgum and Pader – for fear of being maimed, raped, abducted or even killed by the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), a rebel paramilitary group that has been operating in northern Uganda since 1987.


were a nationalist, initially paramilitary group operating within Austria during the 1920s and 1930s; they were similar in methods, organisation, and ideology to Germany's Freikorps.

Juan Modesto

He was affiliated with the Communist Party of Spain (PCE) from 1930, and he was placed in charge of the Milicias Antifascistas Obreras y Campesinas (MAOC) of Madrid in 1933, which constituted a paramilitary force for the Party.

Karl Schiller

Karl Schiller joined the paramilitary Stormtroopers (Sturmabteilung) of the NSDAP in 1933 and the party itself in 1937.

Kodori Valley

2006 Kodori crisis: In July 2006, Georgia sent the Interior Ministry special forces to disarm the local defiant paramilitary leader, Emzar Kvitsiani.

Konrad Henlein

From 12 September 1938, forward, he helped organise hundreds of terrorist attacks and two coup attempts by the Sudetendeutsches Freikorps paramilitary organisation affiliated with the SS-Totenkopfverbände, immediately after Hitler's threatening speech in Nuremberg at the Nazi Party's annual rally.


KWP, Konspiracyjne Wojsko Polskie, an underground, anti-communist, Polish paramilitary organization

Mario Calixto

In the 1990s, Calixto was the president of the Human Rights Committee of Sabana de Torres and was repeatedly threatened by paramilitary groups for his denunciations of their activities.

Mario Montoya Uribe

The report cites an informant who claimed that plans for the attack were signed by General Montoya and paramilitary leader Fabio Jaramillo, who was a subordinate of Diego Fernando Murillo Bejarano, also known as Don Berna.

Maritime law enforcement agencies in China

The China Coast Guard was formerly the maritime branch of the Public Security Border Troops, a paramilitary police force under the leadership of the Ministry of Public Security (MPS).

Martin Doherty

Photos of the paramilitary display at Doherty's funeral appeared in Irish newspapers causing John Bruton, the leader of opposition party Fine Gael, to criticise the government during a debate in Dáil Éireann.

Master sergeant

The ranks are derived from those of the paramilitary Haganah developed in the British Mandate of Palestine period to protect the Yishuv.

Mehmet Shehu

Mike Burke, the American spymaster who set up a 1950 paramilitary project to oust the Albanian Marxist regime, said in 1986 that Shehu was "one tough son of a bitch", whose security forces gave U.S. agents "a tough time".

Michel Bourdon

As vice-president of the Montreal council of the Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN) in 1970, Bourdon endorsed Quebec independence and accused Canadian prime minister Pierre Trudeau of having imposed the War Measures Act on Quebec during the FLQ Crisis to weaken the constitutional Parti Québécois rather than the radical Front de libération du Québec (FLQ) paramilitary group.

National Defense Force

Jatiyo Rakkhi Bahini, a paramilitary force operating in Bangladesh from 1972 to 1975

Old Social Democratic Party of Germany

In the fall of 1927 the paramilitary organization Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold expelled all members belonging to the Old Social Democratic Party, accusing the party of seeking alliances with fascists.

Oliver Mandić

In the early 1990s, he became involved with Serbian paramilitary leader Željko Ražnatović "Arkan", whom he knew since childhood.

Pacific News Service

Lucy Komisar, investigative journalist who wrote on Gladio (Italian branch of NATO "stay-behind" secret paramilitary organizations, which has been involved in terrorist "false flags" operations, starting with the 1969 Piazza Fontana bombing) and also on Clearstream scandal, one of the biggest financial scandals ever

Peasant Self-Defense Forces of Córdoba and Urabá

Autodefensas Campesinas de Córdoba y Urabá (ACCU), Spanish for Peasant Self-Defense Forces of Córdoba and Urabá, was a paramilitary group formed in northwestern Colombia, operating mainly in the Antioquia Department and Córdoba Department.

Philip Palin

The report criticised all parties: Haj Amin al-Husseini, later Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, for inciting the Arabs to violence; Ze'ev Jabotinsky, organiser of the Jewish paramilitary defence organisation Haganah; the British military command in Jerusalem that had initially withdrawn troops from the streets; and the divided political chain of command from London.

Raskamboni Movement

The Raskamboni Movement (var. Raskamboni Front) is a Somali paramilitary group active in Jubaland led by Sheikh Ahmed Madobe.

Ronnie Flanagan

On 22 January 2007 a report by the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland, Nuala O'Loan, made findings of collusion between members of the proscribed paramilitary organization, the Ulster Volunteer Force, and officers under the command of Flanagan.


In Croatian War of Independence, Saborsko was defended for several months, but eventually, in November 1991, the JNA and nearly 1000 members of paramilitary groups broke the defences, supported with nine military aircraft, 43 tanks, howitzers and a dozen VBR's.

Salim Tamari

When he was three years old, in April 1948, his family fled Jaffa when it was attacked by Jewish paramilitary groups as part of the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.

Sentence Review Commission

Many members of the community, especially Unionists were aggrieved at this part of the Agreement, however this was seen as necessary to appease the paramilitary organisations, namely the Provisional IRA, Ulster Volunteer Force and the Ulster Defence Association.

Storm troopers

Sturmabteilung - A paramilitary organisation that aided Adolf Hitler's rise to power in the 1930s

Ulster Special Constabulary Association

The group was established following the dissolution of the Ulster Special Constabulary (commonly known as the B Specials) and operated with a semi-paramilitary structure.

Veldin Karić

According to Karić, he had been arrested by the JNA in 1992 and was taken to Pale, the Serbian stronghold during the Siege of Sarajevo, where he was delivered as a prisoner to Serbian paramilitary forces.

Vicente Piccio, Jr.

that provided air cover for the rebel troops under then Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile and Lt. Gen. Fidel V. Ramos, then head of the now defunct paramilitary group known as the Philippine Constabulary.


People's Armed Police (武警), a paramilitary force of the People's Republic of China

Yair Klein

Klein was formally accused by a Superior Tribunal in Manizales for participating in the training and doctrine of illegal paramilitary groups.

Zelene beretke

Zelene Beretke (English, "Green Berets") was a paramilitary organization founded in Sarajevo in early 1992.

Zvornik massacre

Serb forces, including members of the police, the Territorial Defence, the Yugoslav People’s Army, and paramilitary groups, then launched an armed attack against Zvornik town.

see also