
9 unusual facts about Paraná river

Abner Read

That sailor had been killed by fire from Paraguayan batteries upon his side-wheel steamer as she explored the Paraná River and its tributaries.

Argentine ant

The native range of Argentine ants is limited to around major waterways in the lowland areas of the Paraná River drainage; They have recently spread into parts of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.


These snails used to live in areas of white water in the Yacyretá Rapids, Paraná River, feeding on the algae that grow attached to the rocks on the bottom.

El Litoral

El Litoral was founded by Salvador Caputto in the important Paraná River port city of Santa Fe, and first published on August 7, 1918.

Humid Pampas

Except for a few bluffs near the Paraná and Río de la Plata rivers, as well as the Tandilia and Ventania mountain ranges to the south, the region's slope rarely exceeds 6 degrees.

Luis Lamas

Also in 1902, the foundation stone of the modern port of Rosario was laid, as works were initiated to clean up the ravine of the Paraná River and to build a new coastal avenue.

Paranã River

Today it is crossed by a long concrete bridge between the municipalities of Iaciara and Nova Roma.

One of the most important tributaries is the Crixás, which has its source near Formosa.

Peacock bass

Peacock bass introduction in the Rosana Reservoir and upper Paraná River, both in Brazil, resulted in a 95 percent decline in native fish density and 80 percent decline in richness in only two years.


The only exceptions are A. plagiozonatus which also occurs in the Paraná Basin, and A. tetramerus which also occurs in the Parnaíba River.


The General Belgrano Bridge crosses the Paraná River that serves as the natural border with the neighbouring Chaco Province.

Electricity sector in Brazil

About 88 percent of the electricity fed into the national grid is estimated to come from hydroelectric generation, with over 25% coming from a single hydropower plant, the massive 14 GW Itaipu dam facility, located between Brazil and Paraguay on the Paraná River.

Encarnación, Paraguay

Encarnación is the capital city of the Paraguayan department of Itapúa, located at the south-east of the department, on the right-hand (western) shore of the Paraná River, opposite Posadas, Argentina.

Enrique Pichon-Rivière

Thus, they must move to Corrientes, a city on the Paraná River, with permanent flood and forest environment, a place where he spent his childhood with the strong influence of the Guarani culture, contact daily with the indigenous and peasant modest lives.

Gualeguay River

It passes by the cities of Villaguay, Rosario del Tala, and Gualeguay, and finally empties into the Río Paraná Ibicuy, a distributary of the Paraná River in the Paraná Delta.

Juan de Garay

The governor of Asunción sent him on April 1573, with a company of eighty men, on an expedition to the Paraná River, during which he founded the city of Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz.

Julio Rodolfo Alsogaray

Alsogaray's great-grandfather had a role as Admiral Guillermo Brown's adjutant in the 1845 Battle of Vuelta de Obligado, which established Argentine control over the lower Paraná River, and both his father and grandfather had been colonels in the Argentine Army.

Mamoré River

The Guapore also rivals the Mamore in length and volume, having its source in the Parecis plateau, Mato Grosso, Brazil, a few miles from streams flowing north-ward to the Tapajos and Amazon, and southward to the Paraguay and Paraná rivers.

March 2007 floods in Coastal Argentina

The main river in the affected area is the Paraná River, which is the second longest in South America after the Amazon.

Names of Buenos Aires

A second (and permanent) settlement was established in 1580 by Juan de Garay, who sailed down the Paraná River from Asunción (now the capital of Paraguay).

Nicolás Mihanovich

An ongoing rivalry with Saturnino Ribes' Las Mensajerías (so named for its prominence in the mail transport business) led to a trust arrangement between the two, whereby Mihanovich ceded control of Uruguay River shipping to Ribes, who was given control of the Paraná.

Organización Primero de Marzo

During the 70’s, the country was in a period of economic growth, due to the construction of the hydroelectric Itaipu dam, on the Paraná River, on the border with Brazil, and also thanks to the exportation of soya and cotton.

Paranapanema River

Navigation of the Paranapanema River is practical along the lower course up to the port of Euclides da Cunha, down the chute of the Coroa do Frade, with a length of about 70 km, counting from the mouth into the Paraná river.

Poema del Iguazú

The northernmost border between Argentina and Brazil is marked partly by the Iguazu River, which drops over the edge of a plateau to form the spectacular Iguazu Falls shortly before reaching the Paraná River.

Posadas, Misiones

Father Roque González de Santa Cruz established a town called Anunciación de Itapúa on March 25, 1615, but ten years later the settlement was moved to the other side of the Paraná River to the present location of Encarnación, Paraguay.

Posadas is the capital city of the Argentine province of Misiones, located at the south of the province, on the left-hand (eastern) shore of the Paraná River, opposite Encarnación, Paraguay.


Pygocentrus nattereri Kner, 1858 (red piranha, red-bellied piranha) – Amazon, Paraguay-Paraná-Uruguay, and Essequibo river basins, as well as various river in northeastern Brazil.

Rodovia Raposo Tavares

The highway starts in the city of São Paulo and continues westward, serving the main cities of Cotia, Vargem Grande Paulista, São Roque, Sorocaba, Itapetininga, Angatuba, Ourinhos, Assis, Presidente Prudente, Presidente Bernardes, Presidente Venceslau and Presidente Epitácio, at the shores of the Paraná River, by the border with Mato Grosso do Sul.

Rondeau Boulevard

It starts as a continuation of Alberdi Avenue, in Barrio Lisandro de la Torre, and runs in a straight line, roughly parallel to the Paraná River, along the center of the northeastern block of the city, forming the western limit of Barrio Alberdi.

Servando Bayo

Following orders of the British consul in Buenos Aires, a British ship was dispatched from Montevideo up the Paraná River to threaten the use of force against this harm to the kingdom's commercial interests.

Yellow-chinned Spinetail

But apart from that region it occurs in most of South America in the area enclosed by – running counterclockwise – the lower Amazon and the Madeira river, the Andes, the Paraguay and lower Paraná rivers, and the Atlantic Ocean.

see also

Aché people

The Northern Aché, who are best documented, ranged from the forests near Coronel Oviedo to the Paraná River near Saltos de Guaira, a home range of approximately 20,000 square kilometers.

Battle of Caaguazú

In the meantime, el brigadier general Manuel Oribe a rival of Rivera, crossed the Paraná River and advanced along Urquiza to the east, where he would defeat Rivera at the Battle of Arroyo Grande.


Itaipu Dam, a hydroelectric dam on the Paraná River, across the Brazil-Paraguay border

Misiones Province

The entire Misiones shores along the Paraná River is now confined by two dams, one of them Yaciretá, downstream of the river, and the other Itaipú, located in Brazil and Paraguay, upstream of the river and north of Puerto Iguazú.


Saladillo Stream, a stream of the Paraná River, in the province of Santa Fe, Argentina.

San Lorenzo Department

The San Lorenzo Department includes important ports on the Paraná River, such as the city of San Lorenzo itself and Puerto General San Martín (which ships 50% of the Argentine exports of soybean).

San Pedro, Buenos Aires Province

The historic Battle of Vuelta de Obligado took place on the town's Paraná River shores on November 20, 1845.

Tembeassu marauna

marauna, two male and one female, were collected from the upper Paraná River at the border between the Brazilian states of Mato Grosso do Sul and São Paulo in 1965, during the construction of the coffer dam for the Ilha Solteira reservoir.