
unusual facts about Partition

Albania–United States relations

Even while the United States, which had closed its mission to Albania in 1946, was being vilified by communist propaganda during the regime of Enver Hoxha, ordinary Albanians remembered that U.S. President Woodrow Wilson had interceded on behalf of Albanian independence from 1919 to 1920, strongly arguing against a proposed partition of Albania by the Paris Peace Conference and subsequently enabling Albania to achieve statehood and international recognition by the League of Nations.

Algorithmic version for Szemerédi regularity partition

A Simple Algorithm for Constructing Szemerédi's Regularity Partition is a paper by Alan M. Frieze and Ravi Kannan giving an algorithmic version of the Szemerédi regularity lemma to find an ε-regular partition of a given graph.

All India Muhammadan Educational Conference

After the Congress sponsored agitation against the partition of Bengal (1905) an All India Muhammadan Educational Conference was held at Shahbag in Dhaka, capital of the then East Bengal and Assam Province in the year 1906.

Anne-Marie Mallik

The movement against partition of Bengal in 1905 was mainly directed from the family's ancestral house in Calcutta under the leadership of Arabinda Ghose.

Apple HD SC Setup

Introduced with Apple's first SCSI hard drive, the Hard Disk 20SC in September 1986, Apple HD SC Setup can update drivers and partition and initialize hard disks.

Apple Partition Map

Apple Partition Map (APM) is a partition scheme used to define the low-level organization of data on disks formatted for use with 68k and PowerPC Macintosh computers.

Bhattacharyya distance

The interval of the values of the two samples is split into a chosen number of partitions, and the number of members of each sample in each partition is used in the following formula,

Bruria Kaufman

She is known for contributions to Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, to statistical physics, where she used applied spinor analysis to rederive the result of Lars Onsager on the partition function of the two-dimensional Ising Model, and to the study of the Mössbauer effect, on which she collaborated with John von Neumann and Harry Lipkin.

Buddha Goraya

Other demographics include Rajput mostly migrated from Talwandi Malak Patiala State India, Jat local, Butt originally from Kashmir before partition, Dogar local, Kumhar or Rehmani local & some migrated, Shaikh or Qasab local, Mochi or Bhatti, Nai or Barber, Khokhar, Julaha and some others.

Byzantine–Sasanian War of 572–591

Khosrau not only returned Dara and Martyropolis in exchange for Maurice's assistance, but also agreed to a new partition of the Caucasus by which the Sassanids handed over to the Byzantines many cities, including Tigranokert, Manzikert, Baguana, Valarsakert, Bagaran, Vardkesavan, Yerevan, Ani, Kars, and Zarisat.


Conjugacy class, a partition of group into elements that share properties of a group.

EFI System partition

On Apple–Intel architecture Macintosh computers, the EFI partition is initially blank and not used for booting.

Fatehpur Thakiala

Fatehpur Thakiala was part of the Mendhar subdivision of Poonch before the partition of Kashmir in 1947.

Gille Ruadh

Alexander II had decided to partition the lordship between the Anglo-Norman husbands of Alan's three living daughters, Roger de Quincy (married to Ela), John de Balliol (married to Derborgaill) and William de Forz (married to Cairistiona).

Henri James Simon

In 1911 Simon provided the financing of Ludwig Borchardt's excavations at Pharao Akhenaten's city in Amarna, whereafter large parts of the found artefacts including the busts of Nefertiti and Tiye passed into his ownership, according to a – still disputed – 1913 partition treaty with the Egyptian Département des antiquités under Gaston Maspero.

Henstock–Kurzweil integral

Cousin's theorem states that for every gauge \delta, such a \delta-fine partition P does exist, so this condition cannot be satisfied vacuously.

History of the University of Dhaka

Following demands by Nawab Sir Khwaja Salimullah Bahadur and others, in 2 February 1912 Viceroy Lord Hardinge proposed that a new University should be established in this partition of Bengal.

Ian Ousby

Born in Marlborough, Wiltshire to an army officer and his wife, Ousby's father was stabbed to death in India in 1947 during the Partition, leaving his mother to raise him.

Irish Convention

The Long Committee decided by October 1919, that two Irish parliaments should be established, including a Council of Ireland, a mechanism for the "encouragement of Irish unity", optionally in a Federation or as a Dominion, beginning with the partition of the entire nine Ulster counties.


Isenburg-Arnfels was created upon the partition in 1286 of the lands of Count Henry II between his sons, the youngest Gerlach receiving his territories in and around Bad Hönningen.

Jagiellonian University Medical College

The final Partition of Poland among Prussia, Russia and Austria in 1795 heralded a difficult period in which the fate of the University depended on European political alliances.

Janusz I of Warsaw

In 1374 he inherited Zakroczym and in 1381 the lands of Czersk, Liw and Wyszogród as the result of partition of Masovia between his younger brother Siemowit IV and himself.


A large majority are Bhullars, as well as Sandhus who fled here after the Indian/Pakistan partition.

Kermit Roosevelt, Jr.

In a further effort to prevent the partition of Palestine into exclusive and separate Jewish and Arab states, Roosevelt together with Virginia Gildersleeve founded the Committee for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land in 1948, and served as the Committee's executive director.

Lahore – A Sentimental Journey

Lahore - A sentimental Journey is Pran Nevile's first book in which he recollects his pre-partition days in Lahore.

Latitude ON

Latitude ON Reader is similar to Dell's MediaDirect where the software is located in a separate partition on the system hard drive and has a dedicated button to power on.

Loerzel Beer Hall

The Loerzel Beer Hall, also known as "The Brewery" was built in 1873 at 213 Partition Street in Saugerties, NY.

Maya Kodnani

Kodnani is an ethnic Sindhi Hindu, whose family migrated from Pakistan to India during partition.

Medieval Armenia

Western Armenia had been under Byzantine control since the partition of the Kingdom of Armenia in AD 387, while Eastern Armenia had been under the occupation of the Sassanid Empire starting 428.

Mir Khalil ur Rehman

In 1940, when he was still a student, he started a newspaper for Muslims in pre-partition Hindustan fighting in World War II in Delhi.


Palatinate-Zweibrücken-Birkenfeld was created in 1569 in the partition of Palatinate-Zweibrücken after the death of Wolfgang for his youngest son Charles I.

Partition of Albania

The Congress of Berlin ceded to Montenegro the cities of Bar and Podgorica and areas around the mountain villages of Gusinje and Plav, which Albanian leaders considered Albanian territory,and viewed this as a partition of Albanian-inhabited territories.

People's Libraries Society

People's Libraries Society (Polish: Towarzystwo Czytelni Ludowych, TCL) was an educational society established in 1880 for the Prussian partition of Poland (active in the regions of Greater Poland or the Grand Duchy of Poznan, Pomerania, West Prussia, and Silesia).


-- I disagree with the capitalization of "Partition Table" so this may need adjustment at some later time --> Because the GPT scheme stores a copy of the table not only at logical block address (LBA) 1 but also on the last sectors of the disk the one at LBA 1 would be the primary.

Raymond Eddé

A believer in coexistence between Christians and Muslim, Eddé opposed plans to partition Lebanon into ethnic and sectarian statelets, plans which he accused the United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger of conspiring to foist on Lebanon, and visited France and the Vatican in an attempt to rally opposition to the purported conspiracy.

Renier of Trit

Renier was granted Philippopolis and the territory as far as the river Maritsa by Emperor Baldwin I following the October 1204 partition of the conquered and yet to be conquered lands of the Byzantine Empire.

Revisionist Zionism

Revisionists considered the subsequent partition of Palestine following the 1949 Armistice Agreements to have no legitimacy.

Sherwood Lett

In 1954, he became the head of the Canadian group on the International Control Commission, the international force established in 1954 that oversaw the implementation of the Geneva Accords that ended the First Indochina War with the Partition of Vietnam.

Southern Zone

Zone libre, a partition of the France during the Second World War, called the South Zone from November 1942

United Nations Special Committee on Palestine

No members of the UNSCOP endorsed a One-state solution as recommended by the Arab Higher Committee and on 29 September Mr Jamal al-Husayni Vice president of the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine (AHCP) acting for the AHPC announced opposition to the UN partition plan


Waldburg-Capustigall was a partition of Waldburg-Trauchburg and was raised to a County in 1686, before being annexed by the Kingdom of Prussia in 1745.


Waldburg-Waldburg was a partition of Waldburg-Wolfegg-Zeil and was divided between the other two parts of Waldburg-Wolfegg-Zeil — Waldburg-Wolfegg and Waldburg-Zeil — in 1660.

Whitney covering lemma

In mathematical analysis, the Whitney covering lemma asserts the existence of a certain type of partition of an open set in a Euclidean space.

see also