A student of René Rémond, he specialises in cultural and political history and has written on Fascism ever since his masters dissertation on the Greenshirts of Henri Dorgères.
Blaise Pascal | Pascal | Pascal Bruckner | Pascal (programming language) | Pascal Lamy | Kid Ory | Pascal Obispo | Pascal Humbert | Ory Okolloh | Pascal Godefroit | Pascal Dusapin | Pascal Couchepin | Francine Pascal | Turbo Pascal | Pascal Taskin | Pascal's triangle | Pascal Rogé | Pascal Nouma | Object Pascal | Marie-Georges Pascal | Jean-Pascal Mignot | Jean-Claude Pascal | Gabriel Pascal | Ertha Pascal-Trouillot | Amy Pascal | Pascal Zuberbühler | Pascal van Assendelft | Pascal (unit) | Pascal's law | Pascal Riché |
Pierre Larousse et son temps (Pierre Larousse and his period), Paris, Larousse, 1995 (with P. Ory)