Bright Leaf is a 1950 American drama film directed by Michael Curtiz and starring Gary Cooper, Lauren Bacall and Patricia Neal.
While being recorded in his jail cell for a local radio program he is spontaneously dubbed "Lonesome" Rhodes by the woman who discovers him (played by Patricia Neal).
Shaquille O'Neal | Neal Stephenson | Ryan O'Neal | Tatum O'Neal | Patricia Kaas | Neal Boortz | Neal Hefti | Patricia Highsmith | Neal McCoy | Neal Broten | Patricia Neal | Patricia Crone | Patricia Clarkson | Patricia A. McKillip | Neal Morse | Neal Huntington | Frederick O'Neal | Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry | Patricia Routledge | Patricia Polacco | Patricia Neway | Patricia Manterola | Patricia Hodge | Patricia Heaton | Patricia Cornwell | Richard Neal | Patricia Todd | Patricia Morrison | Patricia Hewitt | Patricia Craig |
About 75 important people in deWilde's life, many now deceased, contributed to the project including family members and friends, schoolmates, colleagues Paul Newman, Julie Harris, Patrick Wayne, Patricia Neal, Chuck Connors, Helen Hayes and others.
For scenes where he was supposed to physically lift Patricia Neal and Michael Rennie, they were either held up by wires, a hidden dolly or replaced with lightweight dummies.
Stranger from Venus (also known as Immediate Disaster and The Venusian) is a 1954 science fiction film directed by Burt Balaban and starring Patricia Neal and Helmut Dantine.