
5 unusual facts about Pauline Weaver

Henry Wickenburg

In 1862, he joined the Pauline Weaver party, who had struck gold in the Antelope Peak, and traveled into the interior of what was then the Arizona Territory.

Pauline Weaver

A year later Weaver later led the Peeples party on a prospecting expedition up the upper Hassayampa River to what are now the Weaver Mountains, where they found placer gold at Rich Hill, near present-day Yarnell, Arizona.

The discovery led to a gold rush and the establishment of La Paz, Arizona, now a ghost town.

Weaver, Arizona

The town was named after mountain man Pauline Weaver, who worked as a guide for the group of prospectors who made the discovery.

Yarnell, Arizona

Rich Hill in Weaver was the richest placer gold discovery in Arizona, discovered in 1863 by a party led by the mountain man Pauline Weaver and the prospector A. H. Peeples.

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