In January 2000, the show came under criticism from the Broadcasting Standards Commission following viewer complaints about comments that were made on the show about recently deceased TV presenter Jill Dando, Bobby Willis (the husband of entertainer Cilla Black) and golfer Payne Stewart.
Rod Stewart | James Stewart | Martha Stewart | Jon Stewart | David A. Stewart | Stewart Copeland | Dave Stewart | Charles Stewart Parnell | Stewart Lee | Stewart Granger | Patrick Stewart | Stewart Brand | Tony Stewart | Kristen Stewart | John Stewart | Jackie Stewart | Amii Stewart | Al Stewart | Rory Stewart | Max Payne | Potter Stewart | Isabella Stewart Gardner | Stewart Edward White | Bhob Stewart | Alec Stewart | Stewart Rome | Stewart Parker | Stewart International Airport | John Howard Payne | French Stewart |
He played on the Italian team in the 1999 Alfred Dunhill Cup at St Andrews, beating three-time major champion Payne Stewart in the second round less than a month before Stewart's death.