
unusual facts about Pejorative


Acephalous line

It is a technique employed often in the concluding lines of hymn texts, and has been employed in poetry to change tone or announce a conclusion, including its use in Joyce Kilmer's "Trees" and A.E. Housman's "To an Athlete Dying Young." Robert Wallace argues in his Meter in English that the term acephalous line seems "pejorative", as if criticising the poet's violation of scansion, but this view is not widely held among critics.

Asa Baber

Quickly becoming one of the magazine's most popular features, the unapologetic and politically incorrect column covered a broad spectrum of subjects including sports, sexuality, divorce, male-bashing, employment, personal identity, fatherhood, and personal values.

Banana language

Banana is a pejorative name for Massa language and Musey language.


However in various occasions, the term was also used by Greeks, especially the Athenians, to deride other Greek tribes and states (such as Epirotes, Eleans, Macedonians and Aeolic-speakers) but also fellow Athenians, in a pejorative and politically motivated manner.


A pejorative nickname for someone from County Offaly, Ireland, particularly associated with Brian Cowen, Taoiseach of Ireland 2008–2011 (from that county)

Big Tobacco

Big Tobacco is a pejorative term often applied to the tobacco industry in general, or more particularly to the "big three" tobacco corporations in the United States: Philip Morris USA (Altria), Reynolds American (RJR), and Lorillard.

Carabayo language

Maku and Macusa are pejorative Arawak terms applied to many local languages, not anything specific to Carabayo.

Corporate-owned life insurance in the United States

Pejorative names for the practice include janitor's insurance and dead peasants insurance, the latter of which refers to the plot of Nikolai Gogol's novel Dead Souls.

Cowboy coding

Code monkey, a pejorative term for programmers who are employed to write simple or repetitive code

Cristina Odone

Following a dispute with Johann Hari while they were colleagues at the New Statesman, Odone commented that pejorative changes were made to her Wikipedia entry and the entries on Francis Wheen and Nick Cohen.


Cult, a pejorative term for a group whose beliefs or practices are considered abnormal or bizarre

Dan Shaughnessy

Considered by some Red Sox fans (and some players) as being overly negative and critical, he earned the pejorative nickname "Curly-Haired Boyfriend" from former Red Sox player Carl Everett.


When the (c. 4th BCE) Classic of Rites recorded stereotypes about the Siyi "Four Barbarians" (Dongyi, Xirong, Nanman, and Beidi) in the four directions, Dongyi had acquired a clearly pejorative nuance.

Estuary English

The term "Estuary English" is sometimes used with pejorative connotations: Sally Gunnell, a former Olympic athlete who became a television presenter for Channel 4 and the BBC, quit the BBC, announcing she felt "very undermined" by the network's lack of support after she was widely criticised for her "uninspiring interview style" and "awful estuary English".

Gauche caviar

The dictionary Petit Larousse defines "left caviar" as a pejorative expression for a "Progressivism combined with a taste for society life and its accoutrements".

Han Jian

Hanjian, in Chinese culture a highly derogatory and pejorative term for a traitor

Kac Wawa

The Karkowski film was named in a very similar fashion, replacing the word Vegas with Wawa (which is a pejorative abbreviation for Warsaw, where the film takes place).

Kaleri language

Kaleri is a pejorative name for the Horom or Barkul language.

Kiambu Mafia

The Kiambu Mafia is a pejorative term referring to a small group of the Kikuyu people primarily from the then Kiambu District of Kenya (now Kiambu and a portion of Thika District) who benefited financially and politically from Kenya African National Union (KANU) and Kenyatta taking power at independence.

Letter and spirit of the law

Thus, "Pharisee" has entered the language as a pejorative for one who does so; the Oxford English Dictionary defines Pharisee with one of the meanings as A person of the spirit or character commonly attributed to the Pharisees in the New Testament; a legalist or formalist.

Mercure de France

It is on the pages of the May 1734 issue of the Mercure de France that the term "Baroque" makes its first attested appearance – used (in pejorative way) in an anonymous, satirical review of Jean-Philippe Rameau’s Hippolyte et Aricie.

Nadahup languages

The name Maku is pejorative, being derived from an Arawakan word meaning "without speech".

Pear language

"Pear" is a pejorative term for the historical slave caste of the Khmer, but nonetheless is the usual term in the literature.

Pendatang asing

Although most frequently used to refer to foreign immigrants, especially illegal immigrants, pendatang asing has been used by some politicians in Malaysia as pejorative way of addressing non-Bumiputera Malaysians.

In a Malaysian political context, it is commonly used as a pejorative way of addressing the ethnic Chinese and Indians, who are not Bumiputera of Malaysia.


The word "Gothic" was applied as a pejorative term to all things Northern European and, hence, barbarian, probably first by Giorgio Vasari.

Poor white trash

White trash, an American English pejorative term referring to individual or groups of lower social class Caucasian people that the speaker considers to lack social status


Rice burner, a pejorative describing Asian motorcycles and automobiles


Republican In Name Only, a pejorative term for a person believed to not be a true Republican

San Francisco values

"San Francisco values" is a term often used pejoratively and as an ad hominem phrase to refer to cultural, social and moral attributes associated with the city of San Francisco, California's liberal politics and pluralist culture.


The term was originally coined in the 1950s by Canadian fan Boyd Raeburn as a pejorative to mock those fans who took science fiction, its criticism, and themselves too seriously.


List of ethnic slurs, that are, or have been, used as insinuations or allegations about members of a given ethnicity or to refer to them in a derogatory (critical or disrespectful), pejorative (disapproving or contemptuous), or insulting manner in the English-speaking world

Starry Eyed

Starry-eyed idealist, a pejorative use of the term do-gooder or goody two-shoes, often used to describe an unadvised virtuous person


Since then, stupidity has taken place along with "fool," "idiot," "dumb," "moron," and related concepts as a pejorative appellation for human misdeeds, whether purposeful or accidental, due to absence of mental capacity.

Thinking outside the box

On the other hand, Bandrowski argues that the process of thinking "inside the box" need not be construed in a pejorative sense.

Veterans for Medical Cannabis Access

Veterans for Medical Cannabis Access (VMCA), originally founded as Veterans for Medical Marijuana Access (VMMA) reflecting the pejorative word "marijuana", is an Elliston, Virginia-based non-profit service organization designed to assist veterans who wish to be able to use marijuana for medical purposes with a doctor's recommendation.

White and Black Blues

Composed by Georges Ougier de Moussac with lyrics by Serge Gainsbourg, the song was originally titled "Black Lolita Blues", however Ursull, the first black woman to represent France at the Contest, declined to perform it due to the pejorative connotations of the word.

see also