He also became close friends with Thrasea Paetus, the husband of Arria, a relative of Persius's; over the next ten years Persius and Thrasea Paetus shared many travels together.
Persius |
Other works by Passow are Grundzüge der griech. und röm. Literatur und Kunstgeschichte (“Foundations of Greek and Roman Literature and History of Art”; 2nd ed., 1829) and editions of Persius, Longus, Tacitus's Germania, Dionysius Periegetes, and Musaeus.
Persius, Juvenal and Quintilian vouch for the admiration with which he was regarded in the first century of the empire.
Other letters appear in John Borough's ‘Impetus Juveniles’ (1643), and in Barten Holyday's ‘Juvenal.’ Farnaby prefixed verses in Greek with an English translation to Thomas Coryat's ‘Crudities,’ and he wrote commendatory lines for William Camden's ‘Annales.’ Ben Jonson was a friend of Farnaby, and contributed commendatory Latin elegiacs to his edition of Juvenal and Persius.