
2 unusual facts about Franz Passow

Franz Passow

Other works by Passow are Grundzüge der griech. und röm. Literatur und Kunstgeschichte (“Foundations of Greek and Roman Literature and History of Art”; 2nd ed., 1829) and editions of Persius, Longus, Tacitus's Germania, Dionysius Periegetes, and Musaeus.


Franz Passow (1786–1833), a German classical scholar and lexicographer

Johann Gottlob Theaenus Schneider

Of his numerous works the most important was his Kritisches griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (1797—1798), the first independent work of the kind since Stephanus's Thesaurus, and the basis of F. Passow's and all succeeding Greek lexicons (including, therefore, the contemporary standard A Greek-English Lexicon).

see also