
unusual facts about Philipp Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg

Albert Gaspard Grimod

In 1792 Albert married Eleanore, Baroness de Franquemont, (1771-1833) an illegitimate daughter of the reigning Duke of Württemberg by the Italian adventuress Anne Franchi.

Victor de Fay de La Tour-Maubourg

At Wachau, during the Battle of Leipzig, his corps along with François Étienne de Kellermann's IV Cavalry Corps and the dragoons of the Guard charged the center of Duke of Württemberg.

Württembergischer Yacht Club

The title of honorary commodore of the WYC was first held by King William II and it was passed on through Duke Albrecht, Duke Philipp to the present day's commodore Duke Carl of Württemberg.

see also