
4 unusual facts about Pierre Gros

Mario Torelli

with Pierre Gros Storia dell'urbanistica : il mondo romano (1988)

Pierre Gros

Among his best known works are his collaborative volume, with Mario Torelli, Storia dell'urbanistica: il mondo romano (Laterza, 1988) and his two-volume treatise on Roman architecture, L'architectue Romaine Du début du IIIème siècle avant J.-C. à la fin du Haut-Empire vol. 1 Les monuments publics; vol. 2 2. maisons, palais, villas et tombeaux (Picard, 1996–2001).

Pierre Gros (born May 7, 1939, Incheville, France) is a contemporary scholar of ancient Roman architecture and the Latin language, particularly the texts of the writer Vitruvius.

He presently holds the post of Professor of Latin language and civilization at the Université de Provence.

see also