He was president of the Law Committee and Rapporteur of the proposed Act PACS, which he was co-authored with Jean-Pierre Michel.
Pierre Michel (born 11 June 1942), is a professor of literature and a scholar specializing in the French writer Octave Mirbeau.
Michel Foucault | Pierre Boulez | Pierre Trudeau | Jean Michel Jarre | Michel Gondry | Jean-Michel Basquiat | Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Michel Legrand | Pierre Corneille | Jean-Pierre Rampal | Pierre Loti | Pierre | Michel de Montaigne | Pierre Teilhard de Chardin | Jean-Pierre Thiollet | Pierre Puvis de Chavannes | Pierre Cardin | Pierre Bourdieu | Pierre Amoyal | Michel Houellebecq | Pierre Huyghe | Pierre Bonnard | Michel Platini | Pierre-Constant Budin | Pierre-Joseph Proudhon | Pierre Beaumarchais | Michel Plasson | Michel Ney | Pierre Restany | Pierre Curie |