By realizing his works he collaborated with specialized cultural centers, such as CICV (Centre de Recherche Pierre Schaeffer, in Montbéliard-Belfort, France), that gave him the possibility to utilize technologies and equips of technicians for creating artistic projects.
Pierre Boulez | Pierre Trudeau | Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Pierre Corneille | Jean-Pierre Rampal | Pierre Loti | Pierre | Pierre Teilhard de Chardin | Jean-Pierre Thiollet | Pierre Puvis de Chavannes | Pierre Cardin | Pierre Bourdieu | Pierre Amoyal | Pierre Huyghe | Pierre Bonnard | Pierre-Constant Budin | Pierre-Joseph Proudhon | Pierre Beaumarchais | Pierre Restany | Pierre Curie | Pierre Louÿs | Pierre Bayle | Marco Pierre White | Jean-Pierre Ponnelle | Jean-Pierre Jeunet | Francis Schaeffer | Saint-Pierre, Martinique | Saint-Pierre | Pierre Monteux | Pierre Gassendi |
In 1955, Jérôme Peignot and Pierre Schaeffer were the first to use the term acousmatique to define the listening experience of musique concrète.
In 1955, Jérôme Peignot and Pierre Schaeffer were the first to use the term acousmatic to define the listening experience of musique concrète.
In 1942 the French composer and theoretician Pierre Schaeffer, began his exploration of radiophony when he joined Jacques Copeau and his pupils in the foundation of the Studio d'Essai de la Radiodiffusion Nationale.