
3 unusual facts about Pierre Vidal-Naquet

French law on colonialism

The law, particularly the aforementioned paragraph and articles 1 and 13, created a public uproar and opposition from the whole of the left-wing, and article 4, paragraph 2 was repealed by president Jacques Chirac (UMP) at the beginning of 2006, after accusations of historical revisionism from various teachers and historians, including Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Claude Liauzu, Olivier LeCour Grandmaison and Benjamin Stora.

Pierre Vidal-Naquet

He discovered surrealism (André Breton, René Char and also Antonin Artaud), and founded a review at 18 years old, along with Pierre Nora, Imprudence.

In brief, a state-sponsored Faurisson paired with an international Faurisson and, along with all that, a Talaat-Himmler blessed, since 1943, with an official mausoleum in the country's capital.

see also