Pinus radiata | Pinus contorta | Pinus nigra | Pinus strobus | Pinus leiophylla | Pinus engelmannii | Pinus brutia | Pinus taeda | Pinus tabuliformis | ''Pinus'' subgenus ''Strobus'' | pinus radiata | Pinus pseudostrobus | Pinus palustris | Pinus massoniana | Pinus kesiya | Pinus glabra | ''Pinus elliottii'' var. ''densa'' | Pinus douglasiana | ''Pinus brutia'' on the mountains near Aleppo |
They are polyphagous in coniferous trees (mainly feeding on Pinus sylvestris, Pinus mugo and Pinus nigra, but also on Picea abies and Abies or Larix species).
A six kilometer long trail leads through the moorland, over bridges and past bogs to highlands of mountain pine (Pinus mugo), whence the entire moor can be viewed.