The larvae develop in the wood of the old rotten fallen trees, especially pines (Pinus pallasiana, Pinus brutia, Pinus halepensis).
The Krüper's Nuthatch, a rare nuthatch, is largely restricted to forests of Turkish pine and depends heavily on it for feeding; the ranges of the two species are largely coincident.
Pinus radiata | Pinus contorta | Pinus nigra | Pinus strobus | Pinus leiophylla | Pinus engelmannii | Pinus brutia | Pinus taeda | Pinus tabuliformis | ''Pinus'' subgenus ''Strobus'' | pinus radiata | Pinus pseudostrobus | Pinus palustris | Pinus massoniana | Pinus kesiya | Pinus glabra | ''Pinus elliottii'' var. ''densa'' | Pinus douglasiana | ''Pinus brutia'' on the mountains near Aleppo |
Large part of the mountain area, including the Selakano valley, are forested with pines (Pinus brutia), Kermes oaks (Quercus coccifera), cypresses (Cupressus sempervirens), Holm Oaks (Quercus ilex) and Cretan Maples (Acer sempervirens).