In Britain, the North American tree species Pinus strobus is referred to as the "Weymouth Pine", in honor of George Weymouth.
Suillus americanus is very similar in appearance to Suillus sibiricus (distributed in western North America and western and central Asia) but the latter species associates with Pinus monticola and Pinus flexilis rather than Pinus strobus.
Pinus radiata | Pinus contorta | Pinus nigra | Pinus strobus | Pinus leiophylla | Pinus engelmannii | Pinus brutia | Pinus taeda | Pinus tabuliformis | ''Pinus'' subgenus ''Strobus'' | pinus radiata | Pinus pseudostrobus | Pinus palustris | Pinus massoniana | Pinus kesiya | Pinus glabra | ''Pinus elliottii'' var. ''densa'' | Pinus douglasiana | ''Pinus brutia'' on the mountains near Aleppo |