
unusual facts about Planetary

13801 Kohlhase

13801 Kohlhase (1998 VP44) is a main-belt asteroid discovered November 11, 1998 by the Lowell Observatory Near-Earth-Object Search at the Anderson Mesa Station This Asteroid belt is named after Charles Kohlhase, a pioneer in the design, development and execution of planetary missions for more than four decades at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

21459 Chrisrussell

It is named after Christopher T. Russell, a professor of geophysics and planetary physics at the University of California, Los Angeles.

70 Ophiuchi

In 1855, Capt. W. S. Jacob of the Madras Observatory of the East India Company claimed that the orbit of the binary showed an anomaly, and it was "highly probable" that there was a "planetary body in connection with this system".

74503 Madola

In mid-2009, it was officially named Madola by the International Astronomical Union, in honor of Christian Marois (b. 1974), René Doyon (b. 1963) and David Lafrenière (b. 1978), who developed instruments and techniques that allowed the first direct photograph of an extrasolar planetary system, consisting of three planets orbiting the star HR 8799 in Pegasus.

Alan Stern

He was Chair of NASA's Outer Planets Science Working Group (OPSWG) from 1991 to 1994 and served as a panel member for the National Research Council's 2003-2013 Decadal survey on planetary science.

Ashen light

Christopher T. Russell and J. L. Phillips from the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at the University of California in Los Angeles and the Los Alamos National Laboratory in Los Alamos, New Mexico have offered a mathematical approach to figuring out how exactly the ashen light is formed.

Asturian American

Walter Alvarez (b. October 3, 1940), professor in the Earth and Planetary Science department at the University of California, Berkeley.

Battlecruiser 3000AD

Derek Smart began his game development career in the late 1980s, with a vision of creating an all-encompassing space simulation game, featuring strategy elements along with space, planetary, air and ground combat.


Oded Aharonson (b. ?), American assistant professor of planetary science at the California Institute of Technology

Benjamin H. Bratton

His current work develops a political theory of planetary-scale computation and draws from disparate sources, from Paul Virilio, Michel Serres, and Carl Schmitt, to Alan Turing, Google Earth, and IPv6.


Caldwell 59 (NGC 3242, the Ghost of Jupiter), a planetary nebula in the constellation Hydra

Cassidy Glacier

The glacier was named by the Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names in 1992 after William A. Cassidy, Department of Geology and Planetary Science, University of Pittsburgh, who in 13 field seasons, 1976–90, led United States Antarctic Research Program teams in the investigation and collection of Antarctic meteorites from diverse sites through Victoria Land and southward to Lewis Cliff, adjacent to the Queen Alexandra Range.

Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure

Crash's genius sister, Coco Bandicoot, is the creator of the machine necessary to reverse the effects of Cortex's "Planetary Minimizer".

David Stevenson

David J. Stevenson (born 1948), professor in planetary science at Caltech

Earthsearch II

When rejected by the suspicious humans, the Angels resort to sabotage on a planetary scale, using terraforming equipment from the Challenger to melt Paradise's polar ice caps and thus raise the sea level in an attempt to get their former crew to rejoin them on the ship.

Equatorial Rossby wave

Equatorial Rossby waves, often called planetary waves, are very long, low frequency waves found near the equator and are derived using the equatorial Beta plane approximation, f = \beta y, where "β" is the variation of the Coriolis parameter with latitude, \beta = \frac{\partial f}{\partial y}.

European Fireball Network

The network is jointly operated by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the Institute of Planetary Research in Prague (Ondřejov Observatory).

Exploration of Uranus

In the 2011 decadal survey for the future potential of planetary exploration, the United States National Research Council recommended a Uranus orbiter and probe.


Michael James Gaffey, planetary scientist who specializes in deriving the mineralogies of asteroids from their reflectance spectra

H. A. Rey

A new edition of Find the Constellations was released in 2008, updated with modern fonts, the new status of Pluto, and some more current measurements of planetary sizes and orbital radii.

Harrison Brown

Together they made advancements in telescopic instrumentation, jet propulsion (contributing to NASA's early planetary exploration missions), and infrared astronomy.

Hazel Henderson

In recent years she has worked in television, and she is the author of several books including Building A Win-Win World, Beyond Globalization, Planetary Citizenship (with Daisaku Ikeda), and Ethical Markets: Growing the Green Economy.

HEAT 1X Tycho Brahe

The ship is named after Tycho Brahe, a Danish nobleman known for his accurate and comprehensive planetary and other astronomical observations, such as the 1572 supernova.


Husar-rover, an experimental planetary rover design, built in Hungary as part of the Hunveyor project

Mars sample return mission

According to Louis Friedman, Executive Director of The Planetary Society, a Mars sample return mission is often described by the planetary science community as the "holy grail" of robotic space missions, due to its high expected scientific return-on-investment.

Mathematical beauty

As there are exactly five Platonic solids, Kepler's hypothesis could only accommodate six planetary orbits and was disproved by the subsequent discovery of Uranus.

Megan Rose Gedris

The Lesbian Pirates are a race of Amazonesque beings who come from a planet referred to as Lesbos-1, which is part of the planetary system of Lesbos.

Meredith Yayanos

She is also the inspiration for a comic book character named Melanctha, appearing in the 21st issue of Planetary by Warren Ellis and John Cassaday.

Mosaic Whispers

In Spring 2012, the Whispers sang Change the World for Bill Nye and Washington University's Board of Trustees, as a part of the dedication to WUSTL's new Earth, Planetary, and Space Science Center.

Neal Chase

Their report claimed that Chase based these predictions on Biblical prophecies, evidence from Hopi prophecies, planetary conjunctions, dreams, numerological coincidences, Nostradamus, and psychics.

NEAR Shoemaker

The Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous - Shoemaker (NEAR Shoemaker), renamed after its 1996 launch in honor of planetary scientist Eugene Shoemaker, was a robotic space probe designed by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory for NASA to study the near-Earth asteroid Eros from close orbit over a period of a year.

New Italian Epic

In March 2009 the PhD programme Planetary Collegium M-Node, along with the School of Media Design and Multimedia Arts of the Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti in Milan organised the symposium ‘New Italian (Media) Epic’, with the presence of Wu Ming 1, Derrick De Kerckhove, Pier Luigi Capucci, Francesco Monico, and many others including film-makers, artists and media theorists.


In Dan Simmons' Hyperion universe, Ousters are a branch of humanity that chose to travel/live in space, "between the stars", as opposed to dwelling in planetary systems

Pancha Bhoota Stalam

According to Hinduism, life and the various species originated by the combination of planetary globes and the five manifestations of nature namely air, water, fire, land and sky.

Paul Wittich

Renowned anti-Copernican adherents of the Capellan planetary model included Francis Bacon, inter alia, and this model appealed to those who accepted Ptolemy's purely geocentric model was refuted by the phases of Venus, but were unpersuaded by Tychonic arguments that Mars, Jupiter and Saturn also orbited the Sun in addition to Mercury and Venus.

Peter B. Lawrence

He has appeared on Blue Peter and his skills and advice are much sought after in the field of solar and planetary imaging.

Planetary Annihilation

Voice actor John Patrick Lowrie, who did all the narrations for Total Annihilation, is doing the narrations for Planetary Annihilation as well.

Planetary Radio

At the same time, KUCI started airing Planetary Radio on its schedule, and in February 2004, WMUH added it to its schedule.

Ralph Copeland

Copeland discovered thirty-five NGC objects, most of them with Lord Rosse's 72" reflector. Planetary nebulae were found by visual spectroscopy at Dun Echt and during an Andes expedition. Seven of the galaxies in the constellation Leo form the famous "Copeland Septet": NGC 3745, 3746, 3748, 3750, 3751, 3753, and 3754.

Ravigneaux planetary gearset

The Ravigneaux gearset is a double planetary gear set, invented by Pol Ravigneaux, who filed a patent application on July 28, 1949, in Neuilly-sur-Seine France.

Rodney Collin

Collin studied the sequence of European civilizations, finding a pattern which would follow a planetary scale where the times are 10 times longer than in the case of human life.

Ronald Greeley

Greeley received a number of awards and honors during his career, including the G. K. Gilbert Award presented by the Planetary Geology Division of the Geological Society of America in 1997, and being named a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union in 2007 and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2008.

Steven Soter

In 2007, after the IAU announced its controversial decision on the definition of planet, Soter published an article in Scientific American in which he outlined a mathematical formulation, the "planetary discriminant", to describe how the IAU's requirement that a planet must have "cleared its neighborhood" of other objects might be applied in practice.

Syed Wajih Ahmad Naqvi

#Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar Prize (Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean & Planetary Sciences) (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India), 1996

The Uplift War

A large group in the mountains, led by Robert Oneagle, son of planetary coordinator Megan Oneagle, and Athaclena, the teenaged daughter of Tymbrimi ambassador Uthacalthing, engage in guerrilla warfare.

Timothy Brinton

Sometimes cited as a British parallel to Orson Welles's radio production of The War of the Worlds, Alternative 3 purported to be an investigation into Britain's contemporary "brain drain." Alternative 3 was supposedly a plan to relocate a cross section of Earth's scientific and philosophical population to Mars in the event of climate change or some other planetary catastrophe.

Transit of Uranus from Neptune

This is the rarest of all single transits involving the eight planets, owing to the long synodic period of 172 years (of Uranus from Neptune), the very small apparent diameter of the Sun (1.07 arc-minutes, close to the limit of human visual resolution) as seen from Neptune, and the mutual inclination of the two orbits, 1.5 degrees, which is less than that of most planetary pairs.

Unicursal hexagram

The Symbol itself is the equivalent of the Egyptian Ankh or the Rosicrucian's Rosy Cross; which represents the microcosmic forces (the pentacle, representation of the pentagram with 5 elements, the tetragrammaton or YHVH) interweave with the macro-cosmic forces (the hexagram, the representation of the planetary or heavenly cosmic forces, the divine).

see also