
unusual facts about Polish sejm

Bolko V the Hussite

The dispute only ended in 1452 during the Polish Sejm in Piotrków, where Bolko V even offered the Polish King Casimir IV financial assistance for a war against the Teutonic Order in exchange for the district of Wieluń as a lien (the proposal wasn't accepted).

Norbert Aleksiewicz

Norbert Aleksiewicz (November 25, 1948 in Klukowo near Złotów – 1994) was a Polish politician and member of the Ninth Term of the People's Republic of Poland sejm from October 13, 1985 to June 3, 1989 on behalf of the Polish United Workers' Party.

see also

Edward Wojtas

Edward Wojtas (March 1, 1955 in Wólka Modrzejowa – April 10, 2010) was a member of the Polish Sejm and a politician active in the Polish People's Party (PSL).


Gustaw Holoubek (1923 – 2008), Polish actor, director, member of the Polish Sejm, and senator

Jan Albin Goetz

Jan Albin Goetz (Jan Goetz-Okocimski) (born July 18, 1864 in Okocim, Poland, died April 24, 1931 in Okocim) was a Polish brewer of German ancestry, head of Okocim Brewery, a philanthropist and patron of the arts, a "Freiherr" (baron) of the Hapsburg Empire, a conservative politician, activist and a member of the Austrian parliament and Polish sejm.

Jan de Witte

It was Rzewuski who pronounced a recognition of de Witte family's indygenat (the recognition of foreign status as a noble) in 1764, four years later positively approved by the Polish Sejm.

Jan Stankievič

In 1928–1930 Dr. Stankievič was member of the Polish Sejm.

Krzysztof Sikora

Krzysztof Ryszard Sikora (born 1959) - Member of Polish Sejm V Term (2005–2007)

Paweł Skórzewski

Paweł Skórzewski (Ogończyk coat of arms) (born July 29, 1744 in Mączniki - died in 1819) was Polish Brigadier General of the Duchy of Warsaw, a member of the Bar Confederation, a delegate to the Polish Sejm, senator of the Kingdom of Poland and wojewoda of Kalisz.

Zamoyski Code

Working together, in an unlikely alliance between the Roman Catholic Church and Orthodox Russia, papal nuncio Giovanni Andrea Archetti and Russian ambassador Otto Magnus von Stackelberg jointly bribed deputies to the Polish Sejm in exchange for their opposition to the Code.