Learning them all perfectly was required to be a perfect gentleman, or in the Chinese sense, a "Renaissance Man".
Howard Baker – "Similar claims to the title of sporting polymath could be made for Howard Baker" (who won high jump titles, and played cricket, football, and water polo).
Polymath, a person whose expertise spans a significant number of different subject areas
His influences were Pope and the Augustan poets, Auden, and Yeats; he was a polymath, very largely self-taught, and with a talent for offending his countrymen.
Fonseca was an extremely erudite man, a Renaissance man and patron of numerous artists of the time, who was in touch with important thinkers such as Erasmus of Rotterdam.
The historian and biographer John Strype, Knox's cousin, helped him to prepare the book for publication with the encouragement of the natural philosopher and polymath Robert Hooke.
Arthur Alfred Lynch (1861–1934), Australian civil engineer, physician, journalist, author, Irish MP, soldier, anti-imperialist and polymath
Damodar Dharmananda Kosambi (1907-1966), Indian mathematician, historian and polymath
A crater on the moon - the Whewell (crater) - is named after a Heversham old boy, the distinguished polymath William Whewell (1794–1866).
David Crockett Graham (1884–1961), American Baptist minister and polymath
Among his better known works were an edition of Persian polymath Omar Khayyám (L'algèbre d'Omar Alkhayyami, publiée, traduite et accompagnée d'extraits des manuscrits inédits, 1851) and an edition of Fakhri Muhammad Alkarajî (Extrait du Fakhrî, traité d'algèbre par Mohammed Alkarkbi, précédé d'un mémoire sur l'algèbre indéterminée chez les Arabes, 1853).
Like Cannan the patron of the arts Eddie Marsh was keen to support up-and-coming artists such as the novelists Maurice Hewlett and Hugh Walpole all three of whom visited.
Dr. von Gräfe’s protégé, the medical and surgical polymath Johann Friedrich Dieffenbach (1794–1847), who was among the first surgeons to anaesthetize the patient before performing the nose surgery, published Die Operative Chirurgie (Operative Surgery, 1845), which became a foundational medical and plastic surgical text.
The ensemble takes its name from Avempace - Abū-Bakr Muhammad ibn Yahya ibn al-Sāyigh (Arabic أبو بكر محمد بن يحيى بن الصائغ), also known as Ibn Baya (Arabic: ابن باجة), the Arab Andalusian polymath who was also a musician, and is dedicated to the music of medieval Arab Spain.
He studied for a PhD at Westfield College London, obtaining his degree in 1978 with a thesis on the chemistry of German polymath Johann Wolfgang Goethe's Elective Affinities under Claus Bock.
Recent scholarship indicates that in his work on perspective, Ghiberti was influenced by the Arab polymath Alhazen who had written about the optical basis of perspective in the early 11th century.
This work includes "massively collaborative mathematics" projects like the Polymath project with Timothy Gowers.
It was the birthplace, in 1773, of Thomas Young, an English polymath who contributed to the scientific understanding of vision, light, solid mechanics, energy, physiology, and Egyptology.
A previous installation by Springfield, exhibited in 2006, was based on the life and writings of William Henry Fox Talbot, the polymath who invented negative-positive photography.
The Organum Mathematicum was an information device or teaching machine that was invented by the Jesuit polymath and scholar Athanasius Kircher in the middle of the 17th century.
The 17th century English polymath Thomas Browne used the term describing experiments in which the ashes of incinerated plants allegedly took forms that recalled the organism they had come from.
Somewhat of a polymath, he made the preparations for the ornamentation surrounding the canonization in 1622 of Isidore the Laborer, Ignatius of Loyola, Francis Xavier, Filippo Neri, and Saint Teresa.
As early as the 17th century, the polymath John Dee and his assistant Edward Kelley, working together, communed with superior and unearthly beings (which he called angels) who imparted to them a strange language, Enochian, and imparting to them "wisdom" and knowledge.
Paul Abacus’ thinking is heavily inspired by the work of polymath R. Buckminster Fuller.
He wrote mathematics books and edited works of mathematician John Playfair and polymath Thomas Young.
Polymath Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and poet Alexander Pope were both famous for developing a system of thought known as philosophical optimism in an attempt to reconcile a loving Christian God with the logical problem of evil (made evident in disasters such as Lisbon).
Among other thinkers associated with the Library or other Alexandrian patronage were the mathematician Euclid (ca. 300 BC), the inventor Archimedes (287 BC – c. 212 BC), and the polymath Eratosthenes (ca. 225 BC).
Johann Schreck (1576-1630), German Jesuit, missionary to China, and polymath
he was a famous physician and polymath, who was put to death with other friends of Geta in December 212, at a banquet to which he had been invited by Caracalla shortly after the assassination of his brother.
G. Spencer-Brown (born 1923), polymath best known as the author of Laws of Form
The polymath Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716), perhaps most famous for co-discovering calculus, received his Ph.D. from the University of Altdorf for his habilitation thesis in philosophy, On the Art of Combinations.
Hildegard of Bingen (1098 – 1179), German Roman Catholic saint, writer, composer, philosopher, Christian mystic, Benedictine abbess, visionary, and polymath
Whewellite was named after William Whewell (1794–1866), an English polymath, naturalist and scientist, professor of moral philosophy at Cambridge and inventor of the system of crystallographic indexing.