
2 unusual facts about Pope Gregory X

Folquet de Lunel

Al bon rey q'es reys de pretz car was usually dated to 1269, but is more likely to have been written later, between February 1271, when Pope Gregory X arrived in Rome, and September 1273, when Rudolf of Habsburg was elected King of Germany, since the sirventes mentions a pope (there had been a vacancy since 1268) and does not mention Rudolf's claim to the Empire.

Leicester Friars of the Sack

Pope Gregory X suppressed the order in 1274 leading to the closure of the European friaries of the order.


The founder, having heard that it was probable that Pope Gregory X, then holding a council at Lyon, would suppress all such new orders as had been founded since the Lateran Council, having commanded that such institutions should not be further multiplied, went to Lyon.

Pope Pius V

An article by Agostino Paravicini Bagliani on L'Osservatore Romano of 31 August 2013 states that the earliest document that speaks explicitly of the Pope wearing white is the Ordo XIII, a book of ceremonies compiled in about 1274 under Pope Gregory X.

see also

Council of Lyon

Second Council of Lyon (1274; Pope Gregory X; regarding union with the Eastern Orthodox and other matters)