
unusual facts about Popular front

Popular front

For example, East Germany was ruled by a "National Front" of all anti-fascist parties and movements within parliament (Socialist Unity Party of Germany, Liberal Party, Farmers' Party, Youth Movement, Trade Union Federation, etc.).

Diario de Aragón

It was launched around the time of the Popular Front victory in the 1936 general election.

French Popular Party

The party was formed on 28 June 1936, by Doriot and a number of fellow former members of the French Communist Party (including Henri Barbé and Paul Marion) who had moved towards nationalism in opposition to the Popular Front.

Portnoy's Complaint

Portnoy's career as a civil rights attorney reflects Roth's own Popular front-inspired civic idealism; when he was visited by lawyers from the Anti-Defamation League to discuss the controversy over a story in Goodbye, Columbus, Roth recollects that: "As a high school senior thinking about studying law, I had sometimes imagined working on their staff, defending the civil and legal rights of Jews" (The Facts).

Rapp-Coudert Committee

Within days after the signing of the political agreement between Nazi Germany, headed by Adolf Hitler, and the Soviet Union, headed by Joseph Stalin, American Communists moved as one from vocal public opposition to fascism as part of a broad Popular Front to advocacy of non-intervention in the erupting European conflict, characterizing the fight between Germany and Britain as an "imperialist war" of little import to the American working class.

Riom Trial

The trial was held in the city of Riom in central France, and had mainly political aims - namely to project the responsibility of defeat onto the leaders of the left-wing Popular Front government that had been elected in 1936.

see also

1944 in organized crime

September 16 - Leaders of the Blocco del popolo (The Popular Front) in Sicily, the communist Girolamo Li Causi and socialist Michele Pantaleone, went to speak to the landless labourers at an election rally in Villalba, challenging Mafia boss Calogero Vizzini in his own personal fiefdom.


Abu Ali Mustapha Brigades, the armed wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Abu Ibrahim

Abu Ibrahim Faction, or 15 May Organization, a minor breakout faction from Wadie Haddad's Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - External Operations

Anarchism in China

Nationalists also argued that only by building a popular front could the Nationalist movement defeat the Manchus and the Qing dynasties, and that in the long run if anarchism was to have any chance to succeed it must necessarily be preceded by a Republican system that would make China secure.

Awami Front

Awami Front (Popular Front), was a front of six Muslim political parties in Uttar Pradesh, India.

Dainis Īvāns

After the win of Popular Front in the 1990 election, he became the deputy speaker of the Supreme Soviet, the transitional parliament of Latvia.

José María Lamamié de Clairac

Following the defeat of the CEDA in the elections of February 1936 and the victory of the Popular Front the Traditionalists took this for the CEDA's death knell - Traditionalist deputies severed their connections with both the CEDA and Calvo Sotelo's Bloque Nacional to form an independent grouping under the leadership of José María Lamamié de Clairac.

Niceto Alcalá-Zamora

He decided to stay away from Spain when he found out that militiamen of the Popular Front government had illegally entered his home, stolen his belongings and plundered his safe-deposit box in the Madrid Crédit Lyonnais bank, taking the manuscript of his memoirs.

Popular Front of India

The Kerala government in an affidavit informed the Kerala High Court, that Popular Front of India had active involvement in 27 murder cases, mostly of cadres of CPI-M and RSS.

Predictive profiling

Once, on May 30, 1972, three members of the Japanese Red Army, on behalf of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), attacked an Israeli Airport (Lod Airport massacre).

Radical Governments of Chile

The German-Soviet Non Aggression Pact of 1939 during the Second World War led to the dismantling of the left-wing coalitions, as the Komintern then denounced the Popular Front strategy.

Rahim Gaziyev

After Armenians started advancing into Kalbajar, the Popular Front which had been in power since June 1992 issued a statement in which it blamed Rahim Gaziyev and Elchibey's official representative in Nagorno-Karabakh Surat Huseynov for treason and intentional surrender of Shusha in an attempt to restore Mutallibov as President and indulge Russia's geopolitical interests.

Susan Nathan

Nathan has also published pro-Palestine articles in 'Tejas' the mouthpiece of Popular Front of India and Mathrubhumi.

Union of Agricultural Work Committees

In February 2012, both World Vision Australia and AusAid were accused of having provided "financial aid to a Gaza-based terrorist group," the (UAWC), which Shurat HaDin (The Israel Law Center) alleged is a "front for terror group the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine."