
6 unusual facts about Populus

Bellarmine Preparatory School

Poplar trees were planted near Memorial Field to remember the sacrifices of Bellarmine Alumni in World War II.

Capitol City Plume Superfund site

As part of the remediation action, the City of Montgomery planted 2 acres of poplar trees, which take up and break down contaminants from shallow groundwater through their roots.

European Green Woodpecker

It may be a few feet above the ground or at the top of a tall tree; Oaks, Beeches, Willows and fruit trees are the preferred nest trees in western and central Europe, and Aspens in the north.


The tulip tree is sometimes referred to as "tulip poplar" or "yellow poplar", and the wood simply as "poplar", although Liriodendron is not closely related to the true poplars either.


Like the rest of the Liébana region, Potes enjoys a Mediterranean microclimate that allows the cultivation of the vines, walnut and poplar.

Tabqa Dam

On the southeastern shore, some areas have been reforested with evergreen trees including the Aleppo pine and the Euphrates poplar.

Acleris maccana

The larvae feed on deciduous trees and shrubs, including Myrica (including Myrica gale), Vaccinium (including Vaccinium myrtillus and Vaccinium uliginosum), Rhododendron, Malus, Betula, Salix and Populus species.

Apatura iris

They lay eggs in late summer on the upper side of sallow leaves, preferring the broad-leaved sallow, Salix caprea, but they will also use the narrow-leaved sallow, Salix atrocinerea, and various species of poplar.

Changa Manga

The most common species of trees are Dalbergia sissoo (sheesham), Acacia nilotica (kikar), both members of the Fabaceae native to the Indian subcontinent, white mulberry (Morus alba), popular in cultivation throughout South Asia, or Eucalyptus and Populus species.

Hypagyrtis unipunctata

The larvae feed on the leaves of a wide range of deciduous trees and shrubs, including Amelanchier, Rosa, Prunus, Salix, Populus, Alnus, Betula, Corylus, Fraxinus, Tilia, Ulmus, Quercus and Acer.

Jenkinstown Park

Some original park trees from the 1870s survive and include a number of rare species such as the Chinese necklace poplar, Populus lasiocarpa.

Kayrakkum Reservoir

Silted areas are characterised by multiple small lakes and shallows, with tugay vegetation of tamarisk, oleaster, poplar thickets and reed beds, supporting many thousands of wintering waterfowl, waders and birds of prey.

Lycia ursaria

The larvae feed on the leaves of various broadleaved trees and shrubs, including Alnus, Malus, Fraxinus, Tilia, Betula, Vaccinium, Cornus, Ulmus, Crataegus, Populus and Salix.

Pyralis pictalis

The term "Poplar" in its common name does not refer to the trees, but to Poplar, London, where type specimen – from such an introduction – was caught.

Rhogogaster chlorosoma

The nocturnal larvae are polyphagous, feeding on the leaves of a variety of woody and herbaceous plants, mainly Sorbus, Quercus robur, Salix, Corylus avellana, Stellaria, Filipendula ulmaria, Alnus glutinosa, Rubus and Populus.

Sea Odyssey: Giant Spectacular

The girl and the uncle are constructed from poplar wood, lime wood and steel, and have eyes made from street lights and hair made from horse hair.

Walker's cicada

This species is not host specific, but is often associated with cottonwoods (Populus) and willows (Salix), as well as sycamores (Platanus) rather than other floodplain hardwoods.

see also