
unusual facts about Ulmus

Alsophila pometaria

The larvae feed on a large variety of deciduous trees and shrubs, including Ulmus, Fraxinus and Acer.

Archips xylosteana

These larvae are polyphagous, feeding on various shrubs and deciduous trees, mainly oak (Quercus), elm (Ulmus), Linden (Tilia), hazel (Corylus), maples (Acer) and ash (Fraxinus).

Hypagyrtis unipunctata

The larvae feed on the leaves of a wide range of deciduous trees and shrubs, including Amelanchier, Rosa, Prunus, Salix, Populus, Alnus, Betula, Corylus, Fraxinus, Tilia, Ulmus, Quercus and Acer.


Here this zone is characterized by the expansion of Quercus (Oak), Corylus (Hazel), Taxus, Ulmus (Elm), Fraxinus (Ash), Carpinus (Hornbeam), and Picea (Spruce).

Iridopsis ephyraria

The larvae feed on a wide range of woody plants Fraxinus, Abies balsamea, Betula, Prunus virginiana, Tsuga canadensis, Ulmus, Ribes uva-crispa, Acer and Salix species.

Lycia ursaria

The larvae feed on the leaves of various broadleaved trees and shrubs, including Alnus, Malus, Fraxinus, Tilia, Betula, Vaccinium, Cornus, Ulmus, Crataegus, Populus and Salix.

Manduca jasminearum

The larva of this species mainly feed on Ash species (Fraxinus), but have also been recorded on Syringa and Ulmus species.

Pastonian Stage

Deciduous woodland, increased including species such as Hornbeam (Carpinus), Elm (Ulmus), Hazel (Corylus), and Spruce (Picea).

Qin Mountains

The low-elevation forests of the foothills are dominated by temperate deciduous trees like oaks (Quercus acutissima, Q. variabilis), elm (Ulmus spp.), Common Walnut (Juglans regia), maple (Acer spp.), ash (Fraxinus spp.) and Celtis spp.

Schizura ipomoeae

The larvae feed on the leaves of various woody plants, including Fagus, Betula, Ulmus, Acer, Ipomoea, Quercus and Rosa species.

Tresco Abbey Gardens

The first were mainly deciduous trees such as, elm (Ulmus sp), sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus), oak (Rubus sp) and poplar (Poplar sp), and later he planted Monterey cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) and Monterey pine (Pinus radiata) which are fast growing and suited to coastal conditions.

Ulmus × hollandica 'Ypreau'

The word Ypreau or ypereau was first recorded in 1432 from the Pas-de-Calais area, and found its way into Cotgrave's French-English dictionary of 1611 as a name for a large-leafed elm, as distinct from the small-leaved types of Ulmus minor in northern France.

Ulmus × viminalis 'Aurea'

University of Copenhagen Botanic Garden, (as Ulmus procera 'Viminalis Aurea').

Ulmus americana 'Beaverlodge'

The American Elm Ulmus americana cultivar 'Beaverlodge' was selected as a seedling in 1925 at the Beaverlodge Experimental Farm, Morden, part of the Lacombe Research Centre, Alberta, for its hardiness and vigour, and released in 1954.

Ulmus americana 'Brandon'

'Brandon' is a cultivar of the American Elm Ulmus americana, raised by Lacombe Nurseries, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada, before 1969; it may be synonymous with another cultivar from the same source, known as 'Patmore'.

Ulmus americana 'Delaware'

The American Elm Ulmus americana cultivar 'Delaware' was originally selected (as tree number 218) from 35,000 seedlings inoculated with the Dutch elm disease fungus in USDA trials at Morristown, New Jersey.

Ulmus americana 'Klehmii'

The American Elm Ulmus americana cultivar 'Klehmii' was cloned from a tree growing at Arlington Heights by Mr Charles Klehm, proprietor of the Charles Klehm & Son nursery.

Ulmus americana 'Pyramidata'

The American Elm Ulmus americana cultivar 'Pyramidata' was a selection cloned by the Baudriller nursery, Angers, France, c.

Ulmus glabra 'Dovaei'

The Wych Elm Ulmus glabra cultivar 'Dovaei' was raised by the Andre Leroy nursery at Angers, France, as Ulmus dovaei before 1868.

Ulmus glabra 'Fastigiata Variegata'

The Wych Elm Ulmus glabra cultivar 'Fastigiata Variegata' was listed in the Baudriller (Angers, France) nursery catalogue in 1880.

Ulmus glabra 'Tiliaefolia'

The Wych Elm Ulmus glabra cultivar 'Tiliaefolia' was first mentioned by Host in Fl. Austr. 1: 329.

Ulmus minor 'Albo-Dentata'

The Field Elm Ulmus minor sensu latissimo cultivar 'Albo-Dentata' first featured in the Baudriller (Angers, France) nursery catalogue of 1880 as U. microphylla foliis albo-dentata.

Ulmus pumila 'Aurescens'

The Ulmus pumila cultivar 'Aurescens' originated in the National Arboretum, Zöschen, near Merseburg, Germany.

see also